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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Lake County Code, CA-- Subdivision Regulation, Fire Protection Standards, Clearance of Flammable Natural Growth
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: The Lake County Code requires that all subdivisions of land where residential structures are to be built must comply with Section 4291 of the California Public Resources Code if they are within or adjacent to areas of the County which fall under the protection of Section 4291. Section 4291 deals with the requirements for creation and maintenance of fire breaks or defensible zones.

The specific requirements are found in the Lake County Code's Chapter 17 SUBDIVISION REGULATION* under: ARTICLE XI. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS, Section 17-68 entitled "Clearance of Flammable Natural Growth.".

The requirements are as follows:

68.1 All subdivisions or other residential developments of land for residential units must be planned so as to comply with the provisions of Section 4291 of the California Public Resources Code if they are within or adjacent to areas of the County which fall within the protection of said Section 4291. In certain circumstances, said Section 4291 requires the construction of fire breaks around individual residential units or subdivisions. All subdivisions or other residential developments of land protected by Section 4291 must provide an exterior boundary fuel break of not less than thirty feet. In subdivisions or other residential developments of land containing more than forty lots, each increment of not more than forty lots shall be separated by a green belt with minimum average width of seventy-five feet. In the event that a natural or wilderness area is to be maintained within any subdivision or other residential development of land, said natural or wilderness area shall be separated from any residential unit development, or from any other wilderness or natural area by a fuel break of a minimum distance of seventy-five feet around the entire exterior boundary said wilderness or natural area. Fuel breaks, green belts or fire breaks may be required to be dedicated or recorded as easements and be provided with a graded access road for emergency access by fire fighting equipment. All such access roads shall be a minimum width of twenty feet. (Ord. No. 714, � 10, 11-6-72)

Sec. 17-69 Contains the Definitions. They are as follows:

69.1 [For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:]

(a) Fire break: Shall mean a condition wherein all vegetation is cleared from the ground. (Ord. No. 714, � 11, 11-6-72)

(b) Fuel Break: Shall mean a condition wherein native shrubs or trees are thinned and cleared in such a manner that no where is a continuous line of fuel left. (Ord. No. 714, � 11, 11-6-72)

(c) Green belt: Shall mean a condition wherein the ground area is planted with substituted vegetation of fire resistive varieties in lieu of native vegetation, or such community open spaces, normally planted, such as golf courses, lawn areas, parks or playgrounds. (Ord. No. 714, � 11, 11-6-72)

For more information, please view the Lake County Code Website or contact Kyrsten Shields at [email protected]
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