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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Inyo County, CA - General Plan Update 2002
Type: Regulatory
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: Background

In an effort to minimize the risks to public safety and property, officials of Inyo County have incorporated a "Wildfire Hazard" Element into their July 2002 General Plan Update. The General Plan includes specific goals for public education about methods to reduce wildfire risks, as well as requirements for fuel modifications for structures within fire hazard zones. The 2002 General Plan updates the earlier 1979 Plan.

California state law requires that all cities and counties prepare and maintain a General Plan. These General Plans serve as the official planning document for policy-making dealing with land-use issues, resource protection and development. By definition, these General Plans attempt to be forward-looking and proactive. They guide public decision-making concerning issues likely to be important for the next 15-20 years.

Wildfire Hazard Element

Chapter 9.5 of the Wildfire Hazard Element of the Inyo County Plan contains five distinct Policies. These are entitled "Fire Protection Agencies" (Policy WF-1.1), "Limitations in Fire Hazard Zones" (Policy WF-1.2), "Fuel Modification" (Policy WF-1.3), "Public Education/Notification" (Policy WF-1.4) and "Emergency Access" (Policy WF-1.5).

Of particular interest here is the Policy WF-1.3, dealing with vegetation management and removal. This "Fuel Modification" Policy is to "require fuel modification for structures within fire hazard zones."

There are two specific "Implementation Measures" the County will use to further the "Fuel Modification" Policy. These include Implementation Measure 3.0, which states, "The County shall maintain a current copy of a fire hazard severity map based on inputs from the CDF and local fire districts within the County.� In general, the wildfire threat is somewhat limited in Inyo County because of its desert climate. The areas of higher risk are located where water is more plentiful and, as a result, vegetation can grow more densely. For example, there is a much higher risk of wildfire in riparian areas. This Measure implements Policy WF-1.2 as well as Policy WF-1.3. The stated timeframe for this action is 2003-2005 and the responsible officials are the Fire Marshall and the CDF.

The second relevant Implementation Measure is 4.0 and furthers both Policy WF-1.2 and Policy WF-1.3. The Measure states, "During review of development proposals, the County shall require appropriate building setbacks and fuel modification requirements within fire hazard zones, as appropriate to the specific hazard zones.� The Fire Marshall and the County Planning Commission will continue to develop these measures on an "on-going" basis. The County Plan requires the enforcement of all existing ordinances that pertain to "removal of any and all vegetation and other combustible materials which may constitute a fire hazard".

The third Implementation Measure of the July 2002 General Plan is 6.0. This Measure states, "The County shall develop information to provide guidance on proper fuel modification for distribution to the public.� This action will further Policy WF-1.4 whose objectives are to educate property owners about the hazards of wildfires and the vegetation management techniques that reduce the probability of catastrophic wildfire.

Contact Information

For additional information, contact:

Inyo County Planning Department
Post Office Drawer L
168 N. Edwards Street
Independence, California 93526

Or, phone:
(760) 878-0263 (Independence)
(760) 872-2706 (Bishop - Big Pine)
(760) 876-5559 ext. 0263 (Lone Pine - Olancha)
(800) 447-4696 ext. 0263(Death Valley, Tecopa and Shoshone)

E-Mail: Inyo County Planning

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