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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs
serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and
programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through
the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands.
Notice: this database, with the exception of the Biomass Utilization section, is not actively administered and has not been updated since 1/1/2010.
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Title: |
Blaine County, Idaho Firewise Program
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Homeowner assistance
Demonstration projects
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Program Description: |
Wildfire protection planning
Through a communities-at-risk grant from the Bureau of Land Management, wildfire mitigation plans were concurrently developed for Blaine County including the two communities within the county, Ketchum and Wood-River Hailey in 2004. The mitigation plans are described on the Idaho Department of Lands website.
Homeowner assistance
Blaine County, in cooperation with local fire departments, received a grant to improve their community�s chance of survival in the event of a wildfire. Local firefighters commissioned by the federal Communities at Risk grant, assessed homes in the wildland-urban-interface, offered recommendations for wildfire protection, and provided free fuels removal assistance. Approximately 35% of Blaine County private properties and 2,764 homes are at high wildfire risk.
Hazard mapping and property assessments
A wildfire hazard assessment established risk levels for 8 communities within the Blaine County wildland-urban interface based on slope, aspect, fuel load and type, fire history and weather patterns. Individual home evaluations to establish a hazard score for more than 2000 homes using Red Zone software were also completed.
The educational component of the program includes presentations in schools, libraries and public events, as well as spreading the firewise message through media outlets, DVD�s, brochures, the Blaine County firewise website; and door-to door education. Three demonstration gardens have also been created to assist homeowners in designing firewise landscapes.
Regulatory code
Blaine County Fire Protection Ordinance, 2007-06, enacted December 2007, repeals the previously adopted International Fire Code(2003) and adopts the International Fire Code (2006)(IFC) with specific additions and modifications. These modifications include:
Suppression capacity
Structures with an area of 4,000 square feet occupancy is designated as adequately protected by the Wood River, Ketchum, and Carey Fire Protection Districts without additional on-site water supply. West Magic Fire Protection District protection capacity is sufficient for 2,500 square feet without additional onsite water storage.
Defensible space and fire resistant construction
New construction and remodeled buildings must incorporate 30 feet of defensible space. Vegetation must be maintained annually by the property owner. Class A roof assemblies are required for all new construction exceeding 3,000 square feet. A schedule is provided for required time-lines for re-roofing with Class A assemblies.
Fire flow standards
The fire flow standards stipulated in the IFC Appendix B are not applicable to occupancies within the Districts, but are applicable to occupancies in areas outside the Districts but within the County.
Administration and enforcement
The building official has the responsibility for administering and enforcing the IFC areas outside districts. An appeals process is set out for appealing the decisions of the building official. Penalties for infractions of the Code are up to six months imprisonment and $300/per day.
Municipal ordinances
A number of municipal governments within Blaine County have adopted the IFC with modifications specific to their communities� needs.
Contact information
For more information contact:
Angela Grant-Kettleband
Blaine County Firewise Coordinator
TELE: 208/309-2006
EMAIL: bcfirewise.com