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Texas Forest Service CWPP Guidance Document and Template
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Community planning and CWPP's
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Texas Forest Service CWPP Template and Guidance Document
The Texas Forest Service (TFS) Mitigation and Prevention Program encourages its 254 counties to develop Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs). As of June, 2008 there are 23 CWPPs in Texas and many others in progress. Walker County was the first county to develop a CWPP. TFS is also encouraging Firewise communities to develop CWPPs. When possible, plans are developed at the county level. However, some counties only have one or two population centers making it more effective to develop the plan at the community level. In all of the county level plans, individual communities are encouraged to develop local plans that will be incorporated into the County plan. Since Texas has little federal land (less than three percent of the state), the CWPP process utilizes a broad range of stakeholders.
CWPP Guidance Website
The �Guidance Document for Developing Community Wildfire Protection Plans� and the CWPP Template can be accessed on the Texas Forest Service�s CWPP website, http://tfsfrp.tamu.edu/cwpp/. The website offers a lot of information to assist counties or communities in creating a CWPP. The web-based CWPP Template allows the community to post sections of the plan as they are working on them. The website also provides sample CWPPs which can be used as models, and links to HFRA and many other CWPP guidance documents. When the CWPP is complete the public can post comments on the CWPP website.
Guidance Document and CWPP Template
The Texas Guidance Document was created to help counties write CWPPs that would meet the requirements of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA). The Guidance Document, and the CWPP Template work together to help a community create a CWPP. The Template is a series of forms which the community would fill out to create the CWPP. It covers the basic steps recommended in HFRA. Here is an excerpt from the Guidance Document explaining the parts of the template:
Section 1.0- Introduction
� Outlines who the core decision making team will be for the plan and addresses
the overall objective the plan will accomplish.
Section 2.0- Community Profile
� Provides a physical description of the community and its current wildfire
response capabilities.
Section 3.0- Community Risk Assessment
� This section includes various components to consider when determining the risk
wildfire poses to a community�s assets. This portion of the plan helps establish
an objective wildfire hazard rating for the communities in the planning area. A
link to the community risk assessment rating form is included in appendix of this
Section 4.0- Community Prescription/Mitigation Plan
� The community prescription and mitigation portion of this plan includes the
specific goals of the plan, strategies for achieving those goals, and individuals
that can assist in attaining project objectives.
Section 5.0- Implementation Time Table/Monitoring
� This portion of the template assists communities with tracking and monitoring
progress and accomplishments.
Section 6.0 - Declaration of Agreement and Concurrence
� This signature sheet indicates that the members of the planning team agree with
the plan�s contents and are prepared to move forward with implementing the plan.
Advantages of using the Template
Several plans have been developed using the template. The web application was designed to accommodate users who would prefer to upload existing plans as a word or PDF file. In this regard, any plan in Texas can be uploaded and tracked using the CWPP web template and viewed by other users. Once approved, those plans can also be viewed by the public.
Some advantages of using the template are that different users can work on the plan�s components in real time, from separate locations, and maps and images can be uploaded for easy viewing. By using the web-based template, a county can reduce the need for many organizing meetings to get group feedback and input.
Plan development varies between 6 month to 18 months depending on the scope and complexity of the CWPP. The goal of the web-based CWPP Template and Guidance Document is to streamline the process, reduce the need for travel, and facilitate plan development by offering communities a straight-forward framework.
Contact Information
For more information, contact
Justice Jones
Mitigation and Prevention Coordinator
Texas Forest Service
1328 FM 1488
Conroe TX 77384
936 273 2261
[email protected]