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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Utah -- CWPP Guidance Document
Type: Community planning and CWPP's
Jurisdiction: State
State: Utah
Program Description: Utah CWPPs

Communities at Risk

There are 600 communities at risk (CARs) of wildfire potential in the State of Utah. Over 100 of Utah's CARs have written a CWPP and many more are in the process of writing one. In addition, Utah has covered the entire state in wildfire risk reduction planning at the landscape scale in its five Regional Wildfire Protection Plans (RWPP).

CWPP Guidance Document

To assist communities at risk with writing a CWPP, Utah has developed a guidance document or template which allows the community to write the CWPP quickly by simply filling out standardized forms. The Community Fire Planning Document is posted on the web at:

Utah maintains that the primary responsibility for protecting homes from wildfire remains at the citizen/owner and association level. Therefore, the purpose of community fire planning is give the communities the ability to organize fire councils, plan mitigation work, improve public education, and develop long term strategies relating to safety from wildfire. The goal of the community fire plan is to assist the community in protecting itself from wildfire by identifying the wildfire hazards and creating strategies to reduce the risks.

Components of the CWPP

    Introduction -- Partnerships and Collaboration

    This section outlines who was involved in identifying the risks and treatments within and around the community, including federal and state land managers and community representatives.

    Part I � Community Description

    The community description identifies community resources that can be used to complete the goals of the plan, and a physical description of the community to guide wildfire preparation and response decisions.

    Part II � Community Prescription

    The community prescription includes the goals of the plan, identifies specific actions needed to complete the goals of the wildfire plan and identifies responsible parties, resources and priorities.

    Part III � Resources

    This section contains a list of wildfire preparation and response resources that are selected by the community for retention in a community wildfire reference library.

    Part IV � Technical Assessments

    This section includes assessments and ratings of the wildfire hazards in the community, and recommendations for actions to mitigate the hazards.

    Sub-Section: Appendix

    The information to be include in the appendix is primarily determined by the community fire council which can include the following: data, assessments, maps, contact lists, project worksheets, etc.

Contact Information

For more information, contact:

Tyre G. Holfeltz
State Wildland Urban Interface/Fuels Coordinator
Department of Natural Resources
Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands
1594 West North Temple Suite 3520
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Office: 801-538-7487
Cell: 801-230-1052
EMAIL: [email protected]

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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