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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs
serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and
programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through
the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands.
Notice: this database, with the exception of the Biomass Utilization section, is not actively administered and has not been updated since 1/1/2010.
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Taylor, FL -- Community Wildfire Protection Plan
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Community planning and CWPP's
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Program Description: |
Taylor, FL, Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
Taylor is a rural community located in Baker County, about 30 miles west of the City of Jacksonville. Taylor is surrounded by over 700,000 acres of wildlands including the Osceola National Forest and the John Bethea State Forest, and is south of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. In a planning area of 1,700 acres, there are 425 structures and a population of 1,500. The leading causes of wildfires near Taylor are lightning and escaped debris burns. Several large fires have threatened the community in recent years. The 34,000 acre Impassable One Fire in 2003 burned over 200 acres inside of the community and threatened several homes.
Taylor CWPP
The CWPP for the community of Taylor was completed in September, 2006. Florida is doing CWPPs at both the county and community level based on the Communities at Risk defined by the Florida Risk Assessment Survey (FRAS) Florida Risk Assessment System (FRAS). Your may also learn more about the Florida Fire Risk Assessment on this website. The Florida Division of Forestry (FDOF) has 15 administrative districts. Each district will produce one CWPP during the 2007 fiscal year. Plans are being funded by the DOF. As of March, 2007 Florida has completed 4 CWPPs and has 5 plans in progress.
The Taylor Community Wildfire Protection Plan was developed in accordance with the Healthy Forest Restoration Act guidelines. It is a tight document which sets out the necessary information in a straightforward and succinct manner. It begins with a signature page showing the representatives of the community, the local fire department and the Florida Division of Forestry, in addition to the individuals or groups who cooperated in the preparation of the CWPP and dates and locations of public meetings. The signature page provides a good standardized framework for compliance with the HFRA guidelines. The next page contains a community description and a short history of wildfire events in the area over the past 10 years. The Community Base Map and other visuals are attached in the appendix. These include:
- Aerial photograph
- Wildfire Levels of Concern Map
- Fire Occurrence Area Map
- Fuels Models and Fire Accessibility Map
- Impassable One Fire Progression Map
Step 3 sets out the community wildfire protection goals and objectives. Step 4 prioritizes the mitigation recommendations; these include:
- fuel reduction action steps such as prescribed burning and creating fire control lines;
- Getting community education priorities;
- and actions to improve wildland fire response, such as install dry hydrants and upgrade communications equipment.
In Step 5, Action Plan, the prioritized recommendations from Step 4 are cross-referenced with the identification of a lead agency and funding needs. The Action Plan sets out a timeline for start and completion of the prioritized actions and describes evaluation techniques. Step 6 lists emergency contact information. Step 7 lists critical facilities such as hospitals, schools and churches. Step 8 is a list of appendices. The Taylor Wildfire Hazard Risk Assessment and the Evacuation Routes Map are in the appendix.
Contact Information
For more information contact:
Steve Holman, Forest Area Supervisor
Phone: 904/259-3997
EMAIL: [email protected],
Richard Dolan, Fire Chief
Phone: 904/259-6111
EMAIL: [email protected], or
Susan Kett, Forester
Phone: 386/752-2577
EMAIL: [email protected]