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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands.

Notice: this database, with the exception of the Biomass Utilization section, is not actively administered and has not been updated since 1/1/2010.

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Title: Rural County CWPP Website, Association of Oregon & California Counties
Type: Community planning and CWPP's
Jurisdiction: County
State: Oregon
Program Description:, Association of Oregon & California Counties

The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (P.L.106-393) provides funding to counties to create CWPP's under Title III, and funding for projects to reduce wildfire hazard risk under Title II. The website,, provides a tracking tool for counties receiving the Secure Rural Schools funding. The website tracks progress on Title II projects on a state and county basis, and offers a framework for developing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP). The Rapid Assessment Solution (RAS) provides a simple first step risk assessment for use in the CWPP process. Since a CWPP is a requirement for most National Fire Plan funding for local fuel reduction projects, the Rapid Assessment Solution was created as a quick way to start the CWPP, speeding the process toward implementation of projects.

Rapid Assessment Solution

The Rapid Assessment Solution uses the website, database technology, and a Bulletin Board Sevice to facilitate the planning process. The first step in the Rapid Assessment Solution (RAS) is to designate the members of a Resource Advisory Committee. This committee follows the HFRA guide on core membership, including: 1) local/county fire chief; 2) local/county government representatives from the emergency services and planning departments; and 3) a representative of the state forest management agency, along with consultation from local representatives of the Forest Service and BLM. The Advisory Committee can meet physically and they can use the website, filling out the computerized risk assessment criteria, and using GIS maps provided by the state. Once the information is entered into the county's web page, it can identify Communities At Risk (CAR's) from the risk criteria. The RAS system will generate a summary report of each Community at Risk.

At this point the county can hold public meetings to discuss the Communities at Risk and recommended fuel reduction procedures and use the Bulletin Board Service to gather public input. The Press Release tool provided in the CWPP RAS can be used to inform members of the local media that the Communities at Risk summaries are available online for review and comment by the public, and when and where regular public hearings are scheduled. Each community at Risk has its own bulletin board so members of that community can post comments and suggestions.

The Resource Advisory Committee uses the public comments to revise the initial recommendations and develop the final CWPP for the Community at Risk. The Final CWPP and recommended practices are posted on the website on the county's webpage.

The CWPP RAS also includes a Wildfire Event Alerting System (WEAS) and a Wildfire Event Notification System (WENS). The WEAS uses green, orange and red alerting buttons to let the public know if there are any wildfire events occuring in or near their county. Text below the appropriate color button explains where a fire is located. The WENS system sends email messages to the media and individuals who wish to be notified in case of a wildfire.

Sample CWPP's on

You can view some finished CWPP's on the website. Although there is a login button on first page of the CWPP section of the website, it is not necessary to login to view information. At this point many counties have not posted detailed information to the website.

The CWPP for Douglas County, Oregon is a good example of a CWPP with fourteen Communities at Risk. Information posted on the website includes a brief description of the county, and an introduction to the planning process. Listed under each Community at Risk there is a History of Fire from 1990-2003, maps of Land Use and Approximate Structure Locations, a Community Location map, maps of Priority Fuel Areas, and the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The information on the website represents only the first fourteen of thirty identified Communities at Risk in Douglas County. The next phase of Communities at Risk will be posted soon. Douglas County used the website as a bulletin board to keep its residents informed of the progress of the CWPP's.

Contact Information

For more information contact Rocky McVay of the Association of Oregon and California Counties at 541/412-1624, or by email [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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