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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Spokane County, WA -- Firesafe Spokane
Type: Demonstration projects
Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: Washington
Program Description: Spokane County uses public education as its primary method of controlling vegetative hazards in the WUI.

Firesafe Spokane

The website of Firesafe Spokane, contains information on how to create defensible space around a home and remove other hazards. The website gives an email address and a phone number where homeowners can sign-up for free home inspections. The courtesy inspections are conducted by representatives of Washington State Department of Natural Resources, FireSafe Spokane or the local fire district. If the home is in an eligible WUI community, the homeowner can apply to Washington State DNR to participate in the Community Protected Forest Program. This program provides for fuel reduction around homes funded through the National Fire Plan. Or, once the courtesy inspection is completed, the homeowner can have the clearing and pruning work done on his own.

FireSafe Spokane also offers to provide educational materials, including brochures on creating defensible space, and presentations on wildfire safety to groups. They sponsor clean-up days in WUI areas and wildfire education events. FireSafe Spokane created a demonstration home in the Painted Hills section of Spokane Valley, removing yard debris and trees which were touching the house. The demonstrator home shows that Firewise landscaping can be attractive as well as safe.

FireSafe Spokane was founded in 1998 and is dedicated to "work with the community to create a safer environment through implementing fuel modification and defensible space, which will reduce losses and costs from wildfires." The land around Spokane, Washington is very fire-prone. In the past 10 years fire has caused over 27 million dollars damage in Spokane County. In the Firestorm of 1991, 114 homes were lost in one day. Following the widespread fires of 1991, Spokane County enacted ordinances dealing with access/egress issues and hydrant locations.

Contact Information

For more information on FireSafe Spokane, call (509)464-1086.

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