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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Utah Regulations for Defensible Space -- HB 146 County Cooperative Agreements With State for Fire Protection
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: State
State: Utah
Program Description: HB 146 County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection

In March 2005, Utah enacted a bill which ties state financial assistance for fire protection to performance criteria for a county�s wildfire preparedness. It requires counties wishing to enter into cooperative agreements with the state to adopt a wildland fire ordinance and meet several other minimum standards. The bill: HB 146 , County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection , requires a county, in order to be eligible to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands relating to fire protection, to: 1) adopt a wildland fire ordinance; 2) require the county fire department or private provider to meet certain minimum standards; and 3), file a budget for fire suppression costs. The new law prevents counties that do not enter into a cooperative agreement with the division from being eligible for financial assistance from the division. The text of the bill can be read at this website:

Model Wildland Fire Ordinance

The State of Utah provides guidance to counties in creating their Wildland Fire Ordinances. The rules for implementing HB146 can be found in their entirety on the web at The regulations for creation and maintenance of defensible space are based on the Urban Wildland Interface Code (UWI Code), and adapted to the needs of the Utah landscape. The division uses the 2003 International Urban Wildland Interface Code (International Code Council) as a basis for establishing the minimum standards. County ordinances that at least meet the minimum standards should be in place by September 2006. The rules for county ordinances are found in section 652-122: County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection of the administrative rules.

The state made many modifications to the UWI Code to adapt it more readily to Utah�s reality. Counties must adopt at least the minimum standards recommended by Forestry, Fire and State Lands, but can also adopt stricter standards according to each county�s needs and resources. Many of these changes were in defining terms to more exactly describe the vegetation found in Utah. Some of the most important differences are that while the universal UWI Code proposes a sliding scale of fire resistance for roofs based on hazard severity, the Utah regulations require Class A roofs in all fire hazard areas. And the minimum distance for defensible space around a structure is increased from 10 feet to a minimum of 30 feet.

Community Fuel Modification Zones

The Utah regulations add a new Section 603.3 titled "Community fuel modification zones". These Fuel modification zones protect new communities by reducing fuel loads adjacent to communities and structures. Fuel modification zone land used to protect a community is required to be under the control of an association or other common ownership instrument for the life of the community to be protected.
Plans for the Fuel modification zone must be approved prior to fuel modification work and shown on a site grading plan and on an elevation plan. Fuel modification zone plans must include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Plan showing existing vegetation

(2) Photographs showing natural conditions prior to work being performed

(3) Grading plan showing location of proposed buildings and structures, and set backs from top of slope to all buildings or structures.

Contact information

For more information contact
Susan Bailey, Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator
Forestry, Fire and State Lands
1594 West North Temple, Suite 3520
Salt Lake City, UT 84116-5703
(801) 538-7487
[email protected]

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