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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: California Community Fire Plan Template
Type: Community Planning
Jurisdiction: Multi-level
State: California
Program Description: Background

The California Community Fire Plan Template, a comprehensive planning tool, was developed by the California Fire Alliance and the California Fire Safe Council in 2003. The purpose of the Template is to provide guidance for the development of strategic Local Fire Plans to more effectively protect wildland urban interface communities from wildfire. In addition, the Healthy Forest Restoration Act and the FEMA Disaster Management Act (DMA 2000) mandate community-based planning efforts prior to allocation of funding for mitigation projects. Local Plans must include elements for stakeholder participation, coordination, project identification, prioritization, funding review, and multi-agency cooperation. In the past, fire planning efforts often lacked meaningful community and stakeholder involvement. The Template can be used as a catalyst to bring together citizens, public agencies, and other stakeholders to collaborate and collectively create a strategic community wildfire protection plan (CWPP).

Template Organization

The Template is a 30-page comprehensive source of potential elements for inclusion in CWPP�s (Community Wildfire Protection Plan). While not all elements would necessarily be relevant in a particular community, the Template offers a detailed menu of topics to develop a DMA-complaint county plan and CWPP. A descriptive section for each topic offers guidance for developing relevant content. The Template also provides resources for additional information on each of the topic areas. A shortened version of the Template that is CWPP compliant, the Abridged Community Fire Plan, is available on the California Firesafe Council and California Fire Alliance websites. In addition, a consulting firm is currently developing an adaptation of the Template that provides drop down menus for interactive use.

Plan Elements

Some of the broad topics presented in the Template include:

  1. description of the process used for plan development,

  2. community description � physiographic, demographic, land use and infrastructure characteristics,

  3. current fire environment,

  4. risk assessment --identifying assets at risk,

  5. risk evaluation-- identifying areas of greatest threat,

  6. preparedness,

  7. administrative issues,

  8. action plan, and

  9. plan monitoring and review.

Planning Process Development

The first community to use the Template in fire planning is Monterey, CA. The Monterey Fire Safe Council is currently developing a model county Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan that will result in a list of community priorities for reducing wildfire risks, in the framework of a collaborative countywide umbrella CWPP that incorporates several sub CWPP's from communities within the county as well as agency jurisdictional plans. The Monterey Plan will be offered as a model to other communities around the country.

Contact Information

For more information on the full template contact Joe Rawitzer, Project Coordinator, Monterey Fire Safe Council, at 831-455-2498, or via email at [email protected]. For information on the Abridged version, contact Tracy Katelman, ForEverGreen Forestry, at 707-443-2400, or via email at [email protected].

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