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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Massachusetts Firewise Program
Type: Education
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: State
State: Massachusetts
Program Description: Massachusetts Firewise

Massachusetts has been active in wildfire prevention since the early 1900�s, and has been very successful in reducing the size of the average annual acreage burned within the state. Today the state is participating in the Firewise program and expanding its activities to address increased risk in the wildland-urban interface.

Risk Assessment Mapping

Massachusetts Bureau of Forest Fire Control is developing a Risk Assessment Map using the GIS software �Code Red.� This project is ongoing. Bureau of Forest Fire Control personnel are being trained in using RAMS software to develop risk assessment strategies and plans throughout the state. Forest Fire Control personnel are available for wildfire risk evaluations of homeowners� properties and to create individualized defensible space plans. Self evaluation forms and guidelines are also available.


The Forest Fire Control website contains information on the bureau and its activities for prevention and suppression of wildfire. Local newspapers are used to spread the word on firesafe living. The Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Martha�s Vineyard Times and Martha�s Vineyard Gazette are all media outlets used to increase wildfire public awareness. Public service announcements include the following topics: Creating defensible space, Open burning safety, Local fire danger and fire history, and Hazardous fuels mitigation projects statewide.

Local fire districts maintain good relationships with the local schools throughout Massachusetts and conduct fire prevention programs using the well-recognized Smokey Bear character. Firewise Massachusetts is being implemented, with homeowner education programs in targeted WUI communities. Workshops and home assessments conform to the Firewise standards.

Additionally, Massachusetts Bureau of Fire Control has trained and qualified staff to address the growing need for Wildland/Urban Interface training for the structural fire departments in the Commonwealth. Bureau staff has developed a Wildland/Urban Interface training program that reflects the local conditions such as fuel type, weather, topography and many other factors that are site specific to Massachusetts. This training program focuses on three priorities: firefighter safety in the WUI, firefighting tactics in the WUI, and local weather factors that contribute to extreme fire behavior.

Contact Information

For more information, contact:
Aaron J. Whiddon
Forest Fire Patrolman
Dukes County
Massachusetts Forest Fire Control
(508)-693-2540 office
[email protected]

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