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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Genesee, CO - A Firewise Community, USA - Mitigation and Education Activities
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: Subdivision
State: Colorado
Program Description: Genesee, CO - A Firewise Community, USA � Education and Mitigation Activities

Genesee is a residential community 18 miles west of Denver, in unincorporated Jefferson County. Genesee is located just south of I-70, in the steep terrain of the Colorado Front Range. It was one of the first Firewise Communities, USA in the nation. The community is led by the homeowners association, the Genesee Foundation, which has several committees involved in wildfire mitigation activities. These include Open Space Management, Genesee Ecosystem Management, Fire Mitigation Task Force and Neighborhood Defensible Space. The committees have worked together to develop the 2004 Mitigation Projects.

Fuels Reduction In Common Areas

Genesee is implementing the recommendations of the �Wildfire Hazard - Values of Risk Analysis� prepared by Anchor Point, A Fire Management Consulting Company. A particular concern brought out in that study was the single primary access road that connects Genesee to I-70. There are actually two roads that connect to I-70, but they bottle-neck within 500 yards of each other. Of the 868 homes in Genesee, residents of 772 homes would have to travel through this bottleneck during any evacuation. The Genesee Evacuation Plan - Strategic Fuels Reduction Recommendations, ( identified 17 strategic fuels reduction locations along Genesee roads to facilitate evacuation in case of an emergency. With the assistance of a WUI grant, Genesee is marking trees for removal and implementing all 17 recommendations for reducing fuels along its roadways. Homeowners adjacent to the route are being encouraged to coordinate thinning on their property with the fuels reductions in the common areas to provide more effective defensible space both for their homes and the community.

Public Education Activities

The Neighborhood Defensible Space Committee conducts quarterly Defensible Space Seminars, or more if interest is high. A county approved forester presents information regarding forest health and defensible space guidelines unique to the local ecosystem to residents in a large group format. This gives the participants an opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification regarding local topography and fuel types. The forester offers the participants a reduced rate for an on-site visit and tree marking session for their individual properties. Attendance at the meeting is voluntary, and the Genesee Foundation Neighborhood Densible Space Committee pays for the group seminar.

Other public education activities include informational mailers and articles in the monthly newsletter �Genescene�.

Homeowner Assistance

In 2003, Genesee received a WUI grant to sponsor a �slash week�. This was very popular, and two slash weeks have been offered in 2004. A local contractor was hired by the Genesee Foundation to chip and haul away slash produced by Genesee residents. If tree branches and pine needles are placed on the roadside, the contractor chips these on site and takes them to a local recycle center, free of charge to the resident. Limited curbside pick-up of slash is included in the regular trash pick-up. Residents may put out up to 10 bags of pine needles and four four-foot tied bundles of branches each week for regular disposal.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Ryan Babcock, Genesee Foundation Open Space Operations Manager, at (303) 526-9463 or by email at [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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