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Title: Prescott Fire Department new subdivision development regulations (proposed)
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: Fire District
State: Arizona
Document: The Prescott Fire Department is considering new subdivision development regulations as proposed in the recommendations section of an analysis "Community Vegetation Management and Structural Safeguard Plan for At Risk Neighborhoods Located in the Urban/Wildland Interface". The analysis was conducted by a private consultant with the cooperation and input of Prescot Fire Department personnel. The recommendations suggested the following guidelines for developments in high fire risk areas.

Vegetation Management Requirements:

  1. Modification Zone A

  2. Defensible space required to encircle structures a minimum of 30' at which Zone B begins. A 15' side-year setback or 30' minimum between structures required. Irrigate Zone A if possible. No vegetation within 10' of chimneys. Ground cover and other vegetation should be fire resistive, drought adaptive, low profile, low fuel volume, high fuel moisture, and less than 18" high. No dry grass over 4", no firewood, fuel or propane tanks within 30' of any structure.

    Conifers, pinyon pine, juniper, scrub oak, and single specimen manzanite, shall be pruned, thinned, and, provided free of a dead fuel component, may be utilized. Space all plantings 15' on center. Separate mature tree canopies by 30' on 20% slopes or less, 60' spacing between canopies on slopes from 21% to 40%, and 90' separation on slopes in excess of 40%. Limit conifers to 75 trees/acre with proper spacing and maintenance. Thin, prune, separate or remove all chparrals and other flammable vegetation.

  3. Modification Zone B

  4. Zone B is required for all properties abutting wildlands or along the perimeter of the subdivision. Zone B is from 30' to 130' from structures in all directions. In Zone B separate, thin, and prune all shrubs 18" off the ground. Remove limbs up to 1/3 of the tree height or a maximum of 8'. Move grass to 4:. Remove all cut and dead materials from the property. Break up canopies by removing smaller trees first and larger trees as needed in order to create a 10' separation between canopies. Plaints mut be low growin, fire resistive and drought tolerant, well spaced, and maintained. Properly sized chipped biomass may be used 30' and beyond structures.

  5. Modificatio Zone C

  6. Zone C begins 130' out from structures and is only required where slopes are 20% or greater. Zone C extends 100' beyond Zone B. Selective pruning, thnning, and removal of live cut and dead vegetation and trees to break continuity of fuel bed leaving isolated clusters of 3 or 4 bushes or oak trees, conifers, etc.

  7. Provide 20' vegetative modification zone on each side of roads in a development, (Specifications outlined in Plan).

  8. 100' Zone B is required on wildland side of roads where structures abut opposite side of road.

  9. Utility companies should provide 10' clearance around base of all power poles and towers in vegetative areas.

For more information contact Ted Galde.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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