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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Colorado Educational Video - Wildfire Mitigation in the Wildland/Urban Interface
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: State
State: Colorado
Program Description: Fuels Reduction Video

"Wildfire Mitigation in the Wildland/Urban Interface" is a video showcasing small-scale harvesting equipment options available to owners of small acreage units to reduce hazardous fuels buildup. The video was created by Robert Avera as part of his Masters thesis in Forestry at Colorado State University in 2003. "Wildfire Mitigation in the Wildland/Urban Interface", is an educational tool which shows that fuels reduction can be accomplished in a cost-effective manner in small forested areas, and on slopes up to 30%. The video is the only one of its kind, in that it both explains why landowners owners should thin dense stands on their property, and demonstrates the available technology for mitigating wildfire risk.

Supplemental Website

A website was created to provide information on the video project. The website features video clips from the documentary of the forestry equipment in action. Click here for the link to historical photos and video clips. The next link takes you to a page which shows the featured equipment and manufacturer information.


Research for the video centered on harvesting technology that is affordable to private landowners. The video targets small landowners in Colorado's high fire hazard Front Range "Red Zone", and considered environmental conditions typical of that region. The variables considered in choosing equipment were:

  • Slopes up to 30%;

  • Tree diameter 2"-18"dbh;

  • 100-300 stems per acre;

  • Land areas of 1-40 acres;

  • Species -- Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir;

  • End use � chips, fire wood, post and pole, landscape timbers;

  • Silvicultural technique � whole tree skid or pile and burn;

  • Price range -- $500-$60,000.

Demonstration Day

The information was presented in a Small-Scale Harvesting Demonstration held at the Genesee Foundation outside Denver, in the fall of 2001. By videotaping the demonstration and combining it with historical photos, wildfire footage and interviews with scientists, land managers, and equipment operators, the information presented to about 100 attendees on that day is available for dissemination to others. The video is a good supplement to Firewise information, because while Firewise focuses on the house and the area immediately around the house, this information targets fuels reduction on the small landowner's entire property.


Equipment selected for the small-scale equipment demonstration included:

Felling equipment -- hand saw, chainsaw, tree shear;

Skidding equipment � hand skidder, ATV attachment, grapple attachment, remote control skidder, utility vehcle skidder, and brush rake attachment;

Processing equipment � chipper, portable mill.

Equipment demonstration footage from that day was combined with before and after photos, expert testimony, and fire footage to create the 17:54 minute finished video. Over 150 natural resources professionals reviewed the video during the editing process, making suggestions for improvement that were incorporated in the finished product.

Contact information

The video is available through the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. See the Cooperative Extension Order Form, or call 970-491-6198 or 877-692-9358.

For more information, contact the Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship at CSU, (970/491-6911), or Robert Avera at 512/431-4758 or via email at [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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