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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Laramie, WY - Fuels Treatment, Firewise Workshop
Type: Fuelbreaks
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: County
State: Wyoming
Program Description: Fuel Breaks

Laramie, Wyoming, located in Albany County, has several subdivisions which border on National Forest land. To protect subdivisions which are adjacent to the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and the Thunder Basin National Grassland, The Laramie District Ranger uses mechanical treatments and prescribed fire to create fuel breaks around the subdivisions. This reduces the threat of catastrophic fire to the community. In 2003, prescribed fires were used to protect the communities of Centennial and Rainbow Valley.

The treatments included 158 acres of understory removal, 18 acres of aspen enhancement, 286 acres of prescribed burn, and 14 acres of boundary treatment. The project was identified under the National Fire Plan as a high priority wildland-urban interface area.

Targeting Wildfire Risk

Albany County is in the process of assessing the wildfire risk to idividual homes. A $65,000+ contract was recently awarded to a contractor to collect field data assessments on the 41 subdivisions and communities within Albany County. This assessment will help to target areas of highest wildfire risk for defensible space work in the future. The assessment is due to be complete in April of 2004. The program is a partnership of the State, County and US Forest Service to fund the County-wide Assessment. The US Forest Service provided a $30,000 grant to the County to perform this assessment. The rest of the funding came from a Grant from the State and money from the County.

Fuels Reduction Workshop

Albany County, USDA Forest Service, and Wyoming State Forestry Division hosted the Laramie Area �Wildland Fire Defensible Space and Fuels Reduction Workshop� in March of 2003. Eighty people participated in the workshop, which focused on the condition of the local forest, mitigation needed and Firewise concepts, and possible funding sources. Topics included �Forest Health and Fire in Wyoming,� �Cost Comparison of Fuels Management and Fire Suppression,� �Firewise Concepts,� �Methods and Equipment for Fuels Reduction,� �Utilization of Products and Slash,� and �Sharing the Burden.� The one day workshop provided a forum for discussing strategies, business opportunities, and community involvement in achieving fuels eduction goals. Another Firewise training program will be held in the Spring of 2004.

Contact Information

For more information, Contact Clint Kyhl, Laramie District Ranger, at 307-745-2337, or, via email at [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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