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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Los Alamos County, NM Defensible Space Project
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: City/town
State: New Mexico
Program Description: Background

The Los Alamos Defensible Space Project (Project) was initiated in January 2003 to increase residents� awareness of the importance of defensible space and to assist homeowners in creating defensible space around their homes. The Project is a county program under the direction of the fire department, and was implemented in response to the Cerro Grande Fire of 2000. The project is funded by the Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims under the direction of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Educational Programs

Educational efforts that focus on children include a detailed curriculum for grades 6 through 8 and a coloring contest for grades K through 5. The curriculum was developed by the Volunteer Task Force, a group of environmentalists who teach students about urban forestry and fire ecology both in the classroom and in the field. Through a cooperative with Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (FSEEE), Reddy Squirrel, the official mascot of the defensible space concept, was introduced on Defensible Space Day (March 26).

Educational efforts focusing on homeowners include the distribution of several publications through direct mailings and/or at public meetings. Publications are also available at county buildings. These publications are informational brochures such as �Frequently Asked Questions�, �Points to Remember�, and �You Qualify for Defensible Space�. In addition, the publication, "Defensible Space Manual", includes guidelines for maintaining defensible space and a listing of recommended fire-resistant plant species that should be included in new landscaping projects. A CD for PC use, based on the defensible space manual, contains detailed project information and an interactive representation of a property before and after defensible space work is completed.

Other public education outlets include a public television question and answer program about defensible space, news releases featured on radio and television stations and in local newspapers, and Los Alamos Defensible Space Project website.

Homeowner Assistance

Project officials are targeting owners of about 3,000 properties throughout the Los Alamos Townsite and about 400 properties in White Rock for fuels reduction work. The targeted lots are considered high risk because of their high tree densities, steep slopes and location in the path of high winds that favor the spreading of fire.

To promote the creation of defensible space of individual properties, the Project offers homeowners one-on-one meetings with defensible space planners. Assessments of fuel hazards are conducted and a defensible space work plan is developed for the property.

Fuels reduction work is performed free of charge for participating property owners; this typically includes chipping, cutting and removal of all unwanted wood. This work is primarily being done by contractors. As of July 2003, defensible space planners had met one-on-one with about 1700 property owners; about 70 percent of eligible property owners have participated. The Project provides property owners signs to display in their yards that indicate defensible space has been created around their homes. In this way, treated properties often serve as demonstration projects for other homeowners.

Contact information

For more information, contact:

Nicole Coons, project manager, at 505/661-6830, or via Email at [email protected], or,

Susan DiMauro, spokeswoman, at 505/661-9769, or via Email at [email protected].
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