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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Montecito Fire Protection District, CA -- Wildland Hazard Reduction Program
Type: Homeowner assistance
Designation of high risk areas
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: Fire District
State: California
Program Description: Background

The Montecito Fire Protection District has implemented a multi-faceted wildland fire mitigation program to reduce wildfire risk including extensive hazard analysis and mitigation planning. The Santa Barbara area is characterized by steep terrain and very flammable vegetative fuels intermixed or interfaced with highly valued homes. Many homes in the area were built prior to the adoption of building standards for high fire hazard areas; as a result, fire risks such as wood siding and wood shake roofs remain a concern.

Montecito Community Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan -- Environmental Impact Report

The Montecito Fire District has adopted guidelines which District personnel are required to follow when conducting fire hazard mitigation work. These guidelines are described in the Montecito Community Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan -- Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The District also promotes the use of the guidelines to private property owners. The EIR was prepared by Science Application International Corporation for the District in 2002.

Montecito Community Fire Protection Feasibility Study

Another planning document �The Community Fire Protection Feasibility Study�, was developed by FIREWISE in 1998. The document includes: fire hazards and risk analysis, fire protection, fuel modification recommendations, evacuation procedures, and an insurance initiative.

Homeowner Education and Public Outreach

The Fire District distributes defensible space site survey forms for property owners to self-evaluate their wildfire risk as well as, the publications Wildland Home Fire Risk Meters, Homeowners Watch Out!, and Protect Your Property from Wildfire. Local publications such as the Montecito Journal newspaper, have been active in supporting the Fire District�s educational efforts with pertinent articles. The local homeowner�s associations and the Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council have played key roles in hazard mitigation education in cooperation with the Fire District.

The website contains a detailed Wildland Assessment and Mitigation section. It provides details about the history of wildfire in the Montecito area and how to protect structures for wildfire � both inside and outside homes. Defensible space guidelines recommend that up to 300 feet from structures be modified to reduce wildfire risk. The property is divided into three bands or zones with the greatest modifications in the first zone, with decreasing treatment intensities in zones 2 and 3. The section also discusses the selection and layout of fire resistant tree and shrub species and maintenance practices to maintain a firesafe landscape.

Homeowner Assistance

The Fire District conducts free defensible space evaluations for homeowners on a request basis. A defensible space site survey program that is conducted by the Fire Department Auxiliaries complements this work. This program invites property owners/renters to participate in a one- on-one wildland safety site survey with fire department personnel. When completed, the survey indicates the properties defensible space rating and ignition potential. Auxiliary personnel then make recommendations for improving defensible space on the property.

Assistance for hazardous fuel removal is available primarily on a cost-share basis. However, past grants have enabled the Fire District to conduct some fuels mitigation work for homeowners free-of-charge.

The Fire District works with local insurance agents by providing defensible space inspections/surveys. This has been especially beneficial when work is needed on adjacent property. The Fire District�s alliance with the insurance companies has helped residents either obtain insurance or reduce rates.

The Fire District assists property owners with burning projects. These involve cut and stacked vegetation resulting from mitigation projects. Burning assistance is limited to projects that support the overall hazard mitigation plan and show a benefit to the entire community.

Contact information

For more information, contact, via email, Curtis Vincent, Montecito Fire District, or phone 805/969-7762.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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