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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Santa Cruz County, CA -- Firesafe Council
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: Background

The Santa Cruz County Firesafe Council wildfire mitigation efforts include fuels reduction, public education, and homeowner assistance. This is a high hazard area with old age fuels and highly flammable introduced species. Former wildlands in the county are increasingly being converted to suburban ranchettes with expensive homes.

Fuels Reduction Projects

The Santa Cruz County Firesafe Council (Council) has been involved in two fuels reduction projects. The first, the Shadowmere Shaded Fuel Break Project (SFB), involved clearing brush, removing small trees, and pruning tree limbs to reduce ladder fuels along two miles of road that separated 25 homes and wildlands in Aptos, CA. The work included a 50 foot buffer adjacent the Aptos High School. In addition, french broom and poison oak within the buffer were removed and disposed of. The fuels reduction work began in November 2001 and was completed in February 2002 at a cost of $43,000. Funding was provided through the National Fire Plan.

The second project was conducted for the Forest Meadows Homeowners� Association with a grant from the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District. The CDF and the California Youth Authority provided the labor and resources to create a fuel break within the common land area of the subdivision. The project was completed in 30 hours.

Woody debris from both projects was chipped and broadcast on site using a chipper purchased by the Santa Cruz County Fire Chiefs� Association.

Educational Programs

The Council has been exploring a method to train facilitators to provide firesafe education to the public. Santa Cruz County is in the process of publishing a �Living With Fire� pamphlet that would be specific to conditions in the area. This effort is being funded through a Regional Foundation Grant. Currently, several firesafe brochures are disseminated as handouts and through mailings.

Services to Homeowners

The Council provides free risk evaluations of fuel hazards for homeowners and distributes a firesafe self-assessment form, as well. Fuels reduction work is generally limited to common lands and along roads. The County Fire Chiefs� Association provides the Firesafe Chipper free of charge to all fire districts.

Wildfire Hazard Assessment

In keeping with the California Fire Plan, the San Mateo/Santa Cruz CDF Unit will conduct a wildfire hazard assessment and update the existing Fire Management Plan. This work is anticipated to be completed by July 2003.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Mike Gagarin, Santa Cruz Unit, CDF at 831-335-6728 (phone) or via email at [email protected]
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