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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Sunriver Owners Association, OR - Ladder Fuels Reduction Plan
Type: Regulatory
Homeowner assistance
Firewise community recognition programs
Jurisdiction: Subdivision
State: Oregon
Program Description: A Planned Community Addresses Wildfire Risk

Sunriver is a private planned community located in Deschutes County, 18 miles south of Bend, Oregon, at the base of the Cascade Mountain Range. Sunriver features an 18-hole golf course with 4,000 wood frame homes nestled in wooded settings. Of those, approximately 1,000 have wood shake roofs.

The Sunriver Owners Association (SROA) enacted its Ladder Fuels Reduction Plan in 1996, which sets out a mandatory 15 foot defensible space zone around each home, and provides for fuels reduction and maintenance in the common areas. Other landscape control activities in Sunriver include noxious weed control in meadow areas using goats, and the recycling of biowastes, golf course clippings, and slash from fuels reduction work in a community compost site. SROA is a partner in the Central Oregon Partnership for Wildfire Risk Reduction (COPWRR, see the COPWRR entry on this website for more information).

SROA Environmental Services Department

The SROA Environmental Commission educates homeowners about the danger of wildfire and the need for firesafe living, and provides free home risk assessments to homeowners. The SROA website contains important phone numbers for owners to call to get assistance, and the full regulations of the Ladder Fuels Reduction Plan. The Environmental Director and staff are available for home visits to consult with owners on their special yard needs. To the extent personnel and funding are available, the SROA Public Works Department will haul away slash from private property during the spring and fall months. Owners can obtain the chipping and hauling schedule by calling the SROA office. The Environmental Services Department issues permits for vegetation removal, and routinely inspects to be sure all properties comply with the Ladder Fuels Plan.

Ladder Fuels Plan

The Ladder Fuels Plan can be found on the web site. The goal of the Plan to use manual removal, clearing and thinning to reduce the buildup of combustible material in the wooded areas of the Sunriver Community. The Ladder Fuels Reduction Plan (LFR) establishes guidelines, which apply to all common and private property. These guidelines were made mandatory for application to private property in 1996 (Section 4.01E.2 of the Sunriver Rules and Regulations).

Defensible Space Area

Regulations require a 15 foot firebreak around all homes and decks, on private and common property. Bitterbrush, noxious weeds and dead vegetation must be removed in this area. Tree limbs must be removed to a distance of 15 feet from a structure.

Brush Removal

Under the LFR Plan, Sunriver clears approximately 70% of the bitterbrush, and return the chips to the forest floor. These areas are then reseeded with grasses.

Tree Thinning

The LFR Plan spaces trees to 6 feet or 12 feet, depending on the area. Sunriver strives to remove crowded, diseased, and dead trees while preserving as many ponderosa pines as possible, with some large dead snags for wildlife.


Sunriver requires trees to be trimmed up to 6 feet for live branches, and 10 feet for dead branches.

Controlling Noxious Weeds with Goats

Sunriver Owners Association has used the Caprine Restoration Services goats (email: [email protected]) for weed control for the past two years. They have found them especially good at controlling Canada thistle while encouraging grasses. This is an unusual and natural way to reduce vegetative buildup in areas where herbicides and other methods are not recommended or too expensive.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Kelly Walker, SROA Environmental Director at 541/593-5669, or via email at [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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