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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Tooele County, UT -- WUI Wildfire Protection Ordinance
Type: Regulatory
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: County
State: Utah
Program Description: Purpose

The Tooele County WUI Wildfire Protection Ordinance presents minimum planning criteria for the protection of life and property from wildfire. It stipulates information on safe procedures and practices to be used in wildland/urban interface or intermix areas. The provisions apply to the construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of buildings within WUI areas.

Wildland Fire Protection Analysis and Fire Danger Rating

The ordinance specifies that the County will conduct a wildland/urban interface analysis for all developments, existing or planned, to determine wildland fire protection ratings. The ratings that are developed are the basis of fire safe design and construction criteria. The components of the analysis include: 1) boundaries of interface areas, 2) fuel hazard rating, 3) slope hazard rating, 4) structure hazard rating, and 5) any additional factors ratings. These areas are designated as overlay zones and are delineated on county zoning maps.

Permit Requirements

Application for building permits must be reviewed and approved by the County Fire Warden. Building plans must include slope, aspect, elevation, fuel breaks, water supply systems, and access roads. When required by the Fire Warden, the building plan must include classification of fuel loading, a fuel model, and data to substantiate the classification of fire-resistive vegetation assigned.

Interface Area Requirements

Standards for emergency vehicle access, water supplies, and defensible space are defined in the ordinance. The defensible space requirements are based on the level of fire danger determined in the fire hazard analysis. The distance of fuel modification required is 30, 50, and 100 feet for moderate, high and extreme fire hazard areas, respectively.

Provisions that apply to fuel modification include:

1) Property owners are required to modify or remove nonfire-resistive vegetation on their property and maintain vegetation in conformance with the ordinance standards.

2) Ornamental vegetative fuels or cultivated ground cover, such as green grass, ivy, succulents, or similar plants used as ground cover are allowed within the defensible space designated,

3) Nonfire-resistive vegetation must be cleared around structures to allow adequate access for fire suppression, and

4) Trees are allowed within the defensible space provided the distance between crowns of adjacent trees, structure powerlines, or unmodified fuel is not less than 10 feet. Deadwood must be regularly removed from trees.


The County Fire Warden may issue corrective orders and notices for violations.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Barbara Gardner via email.

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