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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Utah-- Alpine City: Ordinance Establishing Standards for Development in Urban/Wildland Interface Areas
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: City/town
State: Utah
Program Description: Permit Requirements

The Alpine City fire protection ordinance, enacted in 1994, establishes standards for new development in areas identified in the WUI overlay map provided in the ordinance. Developers are required to obtain a Fire Safety Permit from the Fire Chief and apply for a building permit. In the application for the building permit a site plan is required for the evaluation of clearances between vegetative fuels and structures.

Standards for Developments

The ordinance addresses access requirements, construction materials standards, and vegetative clearance. Vegetative clearance requirements include:

    Dead vegetation within 100 feet of dwellings and 50 feet from non-inhabited structures must be removed and clearance maintained.

    Shrubs within 50 feet of dwellings must be of fire-resistant species. Ornamental shrubs may be used adjacent to structures provided an approved irrigation system is installed.

    Trees are limited to 30 feet from dwellings, or at least 30 feet from other trees, and coniferous and native brush. An exception is made for groupings of up to five trees provided a clearance of at least 50 feet is maintained to the dwelling or to other trees, coniferous shrubs and native brush.

    Native brush may not be within 50 feet of dwellings unless grouped into islands of not more than 30 feet and at least 30 feet from other trees, shrubs and brush. Native grasses may not exceed 6 inches in height. Brush may remain up to 10 feet from dwellings and grass maintenance standards are not mandatory if an approved sprinkler system is installed.

    Vegetation around fuel tanks must be maintained at no more than 4 inches in height within a 10-foot radius. A clearance of at least 3 feet from trees and brush must be maintained.

    Disposal of vegetation must be completed prior to final building inspection. Disposal may be by chipping, burying or removal to an approved landfill. Burning of vegetation is prohibited.


The property owner or homeowners' association must maintain conditions prescribed in the ordinance. Enforcement authority is delegated to the Alpine Fire Chief or his designee. Provisions for administrative recourse is provided for persons adversely affected by the ordinance.


Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance is punishable as a Class C misdemeanor with each day of violation a separate penalty.

Contact Information

For more information, contact
Barbara Gardner via Email, or telephone (801) 538-5555.

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