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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: New Jersey Success Stories - Mitigation Projects
Type: Fuelbreaks
Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: State
State: New Jersey
Program Description: During 2001 and 2002 the following mitigation projects were initiated between the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, National Park Service and United States Fish and Wildlife Service to reduce fuel loadings in wildland-urban interface areas.

East Plains Fire Shed Management Plan (Burlington County)

New Jersey Forest Fire Service is developing a Fire Shed Management plan for an area of approximately 75,000 acres surrounding the village of Warren Grove, a neighborhood of over 300 homes. The area is unusual because it is home to a military practice area, the United States Air Force Warren Grove Bombing Range, and located in an area of extreme fire hazard. Accidental wildfires can be caused by errant practice bombs landing in the volatile pine plains forest surrounding the range. These wildfires have the potential for directly impacting the community of Warren Grove as well as surrounding communities and adjacent municipalities.

The project will develop a prescribed burning program to reduce fuels buildup. And it will develop a road and fireline system to breakup large areas of hazardous fuels. The Fire Shed Management Plan will bring together the NJ Forest Fire Service and many federal, state, and county and municipal organizations throughout the area to address the management of fire roads, firelines, fuel breaks and the use of prescribed burning. Fostering of firewise principles around the community of Warren Grove and other WUI areas will also be a priority. Grant amount: $30,000. Total Cost: $60,000.

WUI Fuel Reduction and Management

Funding from this grant will allow the NJ Forest Fire Service to expand its current wildfire hazard mitigation/fuel reduction programs through the use of prescribed burning and construction and maintenance of firelines, fire roads and fuel breaks. Fuel reduction will be accomplished on 1,900 acres of county, municipal and non-profit owned land. NJ Forest Fire Service will create wildfire suppression areas of opportunity in which wildland firefighters can take advantage of fire breaks to assist with fire suppression efforts. The completion of 100 miles of firelines, fire roads or strategic fuel breaks adjacent to or within the WUI will be accomplished. Grant amount: $205,000. Total cost: $410,000.

Knowlton and Blairstown Townships

These two communities are located in the northwest corner of New Jersey along the Appalachian Ridge. The topography is quite hilly, with some unbroken blocks of forested area, and there is poor access for emergency vehicles to the homes. This project will allow the the maintenance and improvement of 30 miles of fuel breaks over a two year period. Fuel break improvement activites will include: manual and mechanical clearing of overgrown roads and trails, all snags felled within 20 feet of any fuel break, and roads and trails will be brushed up and out to a width of 12 feet and a height of 10 feet. The project will provide protection to 200 homes as well as to a campground, wolf preserve, Boy Scout facility, a remote electrical generating station, and the Appalachian Trail corridor. Grant amount: $25,600. Total cost: $51,200.

Phragmites Eradication/Mitigation of Hazardous Fuels

This project will eradicate the highly flammable marsh reed grass, phragmites from an area of federal land surrounded by private land, and approximately 50 homes and 30 condos in Barnegat Township. The mitigation effort will entail the repeated use of herbicides and prescribed burning to eradicate the reed. This project will be done in conjunction with an educational component, informing residents of the danger of phragmites reeds in the vicinity of their homes, and the importance of creating defensible space. A Phragmites Education Brochure will be produced and distributed to residents of Barnegat Township and neighboring communities. Grant amount: $114,000. Total cost: $228.000.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Maris Gabliks via email or call 609-292-2977.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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