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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Texas UWI Community Wildfire Preparedness Program
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: State
State: Texas
Program Description: Texas takes a five-pronged approach to Urban Wildland Interface Community Wildfire Preparedness. The five component parts are:

    UWI Assessment and GIS mapping,

    Information and Education,

    UWI Exhibits,

    UWI Operations,

    and Neighborhood/Community Planning.

Three of these components, Information & Education, UWI Exhibits, and Neighborhood/Community Planning, work together to educate and empower residents who live in the urban-wildland interface. State Forest Service personnel use volunteers and public education to spread the word on defensible space and firewise living across the state.

Texas is using a "home-based UWI program." The home-based approach prepares groups of homeowners to deal with the problem of reducing fuel loads around homes. To accomplish this, several programs have been developed:

    *The Homeowner Assessment Gathering (HAG)

    * The Homeowner Outside Gathering (HOG)

    * The Fire Department Briefing

    * Citizen Fire Ecology Class, to create facilitators for Homeowner Assessment Gatherings.

Homeowner Assessment Gathering

A resident or a fire department hosts a Homeowner Assessment Gathering. The philosophy is to inform the public of strategies for life in high fire hazard areas. Neighbors gather around a table in someone's home and look at the basic hazard assessment form. Reasons are given for the importance of each assessment item. Solutions to each problem are shown. The assessment criteria are weighted to show homeowners the relative importance of each item for wildfire preparedness. Attention is directed to solutions and mitigation activities, not problems. The Homeowner Assessment Gathering is followed by the Homeowner Outside Gathering.

Homeowner Outside Gathering

The homeowners gather once again outside the home of someone from the first gathering. Defensible space design is discussed using the home as an example. Solutions, suggestions, and training are offered. The residents are encouraged to help one another to mitigate in their neighborhood. The goal is to give the homeowners a sense of empowerment. Possible community-wide activities are suggested. Homeowners are encouraged to learn more about the Citizen Fire Ecology Program.

Fire Department Briefing

This is a one-hour presentation to the area fire department to orient them to the Citizen Wildfire Preparedness Program. Firefighters are encouraged to participate in the Homeowner Outdoor Gatherings, and information about the next Fire Ecology Program for Firefighters is provided.

Citizen Fire Ecology Program

The Citizen Fire Ecology Curriculum is designed to train homeowners and citizens to use TFS resources, and take responsibility in their own neighborhoods and communities for UWI wildfire education and mitigation programs. The Fire Ecology Program is a college style class which meets over a period of weeks to give residents a firm understanding of risk assessments, defensible space design and implementation, and wildfire behavior. The program is designed to empower homeowners and give them skills and status in their communities. With a cadre of trained citizens, the UWI program can expand exponentially.

Fire Ecology for Firefighters

The Fire Ecology for Firefighters Curriculum is designed to provide skills and training through a web-based and classroom program. The awarding of continuing education units (CEU's) is planned. Firefighters study wildland fire behavior, fuels, weather and topography, fuel models, Texas ecological regions, home risk assessments, defensible space, and psychology of the homeowner. This training prepares them to meet with homeowners and conduct Homeowner Assessment and Outdoor Gatherings.

Contact Information

For information, contact Jan Fulkerson at [email protected] or 512-459-6816.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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