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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: BLM Colorado Mechanical Fact Sheets
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: State
State: Colorado
Program Description: BLM Colorado Mechanical Fact Sheets -- Mechanical treatments are a very effective alternative to achieve resource objectives when the use of fire is deemed to be too risky or ineffective under acceptable prescriptions. Mechanical treatments can be used to reduce fire hazards and include roller chopping and use of a Hydro-axe. In addition to reduction of fire hazards, other benefits of mechanical treatments include improvement of quality and quantity of vegetation for wildlife and livestock; improvement of proper distribution of plant communities; an increase in plant diversity; and control of noxious weeds. Decreases in surface runoff, soil erosion, and stream sedimentation are also results of mechanical treatments.

Roller Chopping Fact Sheet -- Roller chopping is a mechanical treatment commonly used on mountain shrub types and pinon/juniper stands with diameters of up to eight inches. Roller chopping can be preformed when the soil is firm and dry enough to support heavy equipment (a cylindrical roller or drum equipped with several full-length blades towed behind a crawler-type tractor). Depending on size of vegetation and terrain, a single roller chopper can treat 13 - 20 acres a day. The difficulty of terrain, remoteness, contractor competition, and timing determine the cost of treatment, which ranges from about $60-$80/acre. Seeding runs approximately $20-$23/acre.

HydroAxe (a.k.a. HydroMower) Fact Sheet -- Like roller chopping, the Hydro-axe treatment is commonly used on mountain shrubs and pinon/juniper stands with diameters of up to eight inches. The remaining litter from the HydroAxe treatment is much finer than other types of treatments like roller chopping. The Hydro-axe is extremely efficient in knocking down brush and trees as well as chopping up slash. Treatment using the articulated tractor with a mower/mulcher mounted on the front of the machine, also known as a Hydro mower or Hydro axe, costs on the average about $70/acre depending on the vegetative material, difficulty of terrain, and nature of the treatment.

For additional information please contact:

BLM Colorado State Office
2850 Youngfield Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
TELE: 303-239-3600
FAX: 303-239-3933
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