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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Larimer County, CO -- Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Regulations for New Construction
Type: Regulatory
Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: Colorado
Program Description: Larimer County, Colorado's Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Requirements for New Construction are found in Chaper 36 of the County Code. The requirements apply to all new buildings and remodels within the wildfire hazard area. (You may view a map on the Larimer County web site.)

Public Education and Homeowner Assistance in Larimer County

See Wildfire Safety Program for Larimer County's public education and homeowner assistance projects. Larimer County offers free slash disposal and chipping at four sites to assist homeowners in removing hazardous vegetation. See the CSFS NFP Success Stories 2001-2 Mitigation Projects entry, on this website.

Building Code

The sections of Building and Land Use Codes which deal with vegetation management for wildfire risk reduction are presented below. The entire standard, Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Requirements for New Construction, may be viewed in its entirety at the web site.


Chapter 36 is hereby amended into the 1997 UBC and adopted as follows:


Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Requirements for New Construction


Section 3601.0 - Purpose
. The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum standards for design and construction of new buildings or portions thereof for the protection of life and property from wildfire.

Section 3601.1 - Scope. Within the wildfire hazard area, as defined in footnote #3 to table 15-A, all new building construction and all additions equal to or greater than 50% of the total square footage of the original structure shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. New building construction shall include all new structures.

Wildfire Mitigation

Section 3603.0 - Fire-Resistive Construction
. Fire-resistive construction on all new structures shall be one of the following types:

  1. One-hour fire-resistive shell shall provide not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction at all exterior walls, EXCLUDING ALL OPENINGS AND DECKS.

  2. Exterior siding materials shall have a flame-spread classification of Class III or better.

EXCEPTION: Log homes using solid logs with a minimum tip diameter of 6 inches for exterior wall construction and 8 inches for roof beams, purlins and supporting columns may be considered as one-hour fire-resistive construction.

Section 3604.0 - Defensible Space. Defensible space in compliance with current Colorado State Forest Service guidelines shall be required on all new construction in the Wildfire Hazard Area. For additions to or changes in character of the occupancy or use in existing buildings, the defensible space shall be provided around the entire building.

Colorado State Forest Service Guidelines

Section 3604.1 - Evaluation. Evaluation of the defensible space will be based upon:

  1. Current Colorado State Forest Service standards and guidelines, and

  2. Site specific vegetation and topographical characteristics.

  3. The Building Official may allow alternatives to the Colorado State Forest Service Standards and Guidelines based on specific site conditions.

Section 3604.2 - Completion. The defensible space must be completed prior to the applicant receiving a certificate of occupancy.

Contact Information

Wildfire Mitigation Coordinator
Larimer County Building Department
200 W. Oak Street, Suite 3100
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190
Tony Simons 498-7700

EMAIL: [email protected]

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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