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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Douglas County, CO--Zoning Ordinance for Wildfire Hazard Overlay District
Type: Regulatory
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: County
State: Colorado
Program Description: The Douglas County, Colorado zoning ordinance requires vegetation management and fuel reduction efforts in areas within the County's Wildland Hazard Overlay District.

The relevant sections of the Douglas County, Colorado zoning ordinance that describe standards for fuel reduction in the County's Wildland Hazard Overlay District are presented below. The ordinance may be viewed in its entirety on the Douglas County website.


1701 Intent

To identify wildfire hazard areas and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents by minimizing the potential for the loss of life and property by the spread of wildfires in the wildland/urban interface and the wildland/urban intermix.

Specific purposes are as follows:

  • To develop and maintain a map of Douglas County that allows for preliminary identification of wildfire hazard areas.
  • To identify the process for assessing the wildfire hazard concurrent with the land planning process.
  • To identify specific types of development to be subject to wildfire mitigation measures and the provisions of National Fire Protection Association's 299 Standards (NFPA 299), as amended and adopted by Douglas County.
  • To reference the standards with which development proposed in wildfire hazard areas must comply.
  • To set forth the procedures for addressing wildfire risk during the land development process.


1702.05 Defensible Space: A natural or man-made area, where vegetation capable of allowing a fire to spread unchecked has been treated or modified to slow the spread and reduce the intensity of an advancing wildfire, and to create an area for fire suppression operations to occur.

1702.10 Fuel Break: An area, usually a long strip of undetermined width, wherein vegetative fuels are sufficiently reduced in volume and maintained for the purpose of reducing fire intensity if ignited by a wildland fire.

1702.12 Fuel Modification: The removal of fuels, conversion of vegetation to fire-resistant species, increased spacing of individual plants, reduction of fuel loading, or modification of the age class.

1702.13 Fuel: All combustible materials within the wildland/urban interface or wildland/urban intermix, including vegetation and structures.

1702.14 NFPA 299: National Fire Protection Association 299 regulations, as amended, adopted, incorporated, and interpreted by Douglas County.

1702.23 Wildfire Hazard: The condition of the natural and built environment creating a wildfire opportunity that is so adverse to past, current, or foreseeable construction or land use as to constitute a significant hazard to public health, safety or property. The term incorporates the combined effects of slope, aspect, wildfire behavior and existing vegetation and may also incorporate additional factors such as evacuation conditions, history of fire occurrence, and local emergency service availability.

1702.24 Wildfire Hazard Area: An area containing or directly affected by a wildfire hazard as shown on the Wildfire Hazard - Overlay Map and as determined by Douglas County.

1703 Applicability

Upon the adoption of the Wildfire Hazard - Overlay District, the regulations contained in this Section shall apply to all land areas identified on the Douglas County Wildfire Hazard - Overlay Map and field verified as potential hazard areas.

1703.01 Any area assigned a hazard rating of 16 or higher in accordance with the hazard rating system adopted by Douglas County shall be subject to the provisions of this overlay district. (See Section 1705)

1703.02 The land-use activities subject to the provisions of the Wildfire Hazard - Overlay District are as follows:

    1703.02.1 Building Permits (for all residential and non-residential structures)

    1703.02.2 Exemptions (including rural site plans and clustered 35 - acre splits)

    1703.02.3 Rezoning

    1703.02.4 Site Improvement Plans

    1703.02.5 Subdivision

    1703.02.6 35 - Acre Development

    1703.02.7 Use by Special Review

1703.03 The provisions of this Overlay District shall apply in addition to the applicable requirements of the underlying zoning district.

1703.04 The provisions of this Overlay District shall supersede otherwise applicable requirements of the underlying zoning district where those requirements are inconsistent with the provisions herein.

1704 Wildfire Hazard - Overlay District Map

The Douglas County Wildfire Hazard - Overlay District Map is hereby incorporated by reference and shall be deemed an overlay on any zoning district now or hereafter enacted to regulate the use of land in Douglas County.

1704.01 The Wildfire Hazard - Overlay Map shall be maintained by the Community Development Department, Building Division, and may be revised as needed.

1704.02 The Wildfire Hazard - Overlay Map is intended to serve as a guide to identify lands evaluated to be at risk for wildfire. All land areas in the Overlay District shall be subject to field investigation to confirm actual level of risk. The degree of mitigation required will depend on the results of the field investigation.

1705 Wildfire Hazard Rating Inspection

Land proposed for development shall be subject to on-site inspection by the Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation Inspector for the purpose of determining a wildfire hazard rating in accordance with Section 1707.

1705.01 Douglas County may require that the applicant contract with a professional forester for the on-site inspection to determine the wildfire hazard rating. In this instance, the applicant is responsible for the costs associated with such inspection.

1705.02 In the event of a conflict pertaining to the outcome of an inspection and the subsequent rating, Douglas County reserves the right to contract with a professional forester as defined herein to assist with the review of the report submitted on behalf of the applicant. The decision of Douglas County shall be final and binding. The cost of this additional review shall be paid by the applicant.

1706 General Standards

Development determined to be subject to the provisions of the Wildfire Hazard - Overlay District shall be required to mitigate identified hazards through compliance with the NFPA 299 regulations, as amended and adopted by Douglas County. Additional measures aimed at reducing the risk of wildfire may be imposed at the discretion of the Chief Building Official. The types of mitigation measures required are as follows:

1706.01 Fuel Modification
Identification of fuel modification measures may be required in order to reduce the threat of wildfire. If fuel modification is determined to be necessary, the plan shall be prepared by a professional forester, as defined herein. A fuel modification plan shall comply with Chapter 3 of NFPA 299, as amended and adopted by Douglas County. Required elements shall include but are not limited to the following:

    1706.01.1 Identification of fuel type, volume and loading, in conjunction with an assessment of slope and aspect, to determine the ability for a wildfire to spread.

    1706.01.2 Reduction of fuel loading and modification of fuel types to reduce the risk to structures or adjacent vegetation, including the creation of fuel breaks.

    1706.01.3 Creation of defensible space to protect structures from approaching wildfire and reduce the potential for turning a structure fire into a wildfire.

For additional information, please contact:

100 Third Street, Second Floor
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Phone (303) 660-7460
Fax (303) 660-9550; or

100 Third Street, Suite 020
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Phone (303) 660-7497
Fax (303) 660-0041

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

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