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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Flagstaff Area Wildfire Risk Assessment
Type: Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: City/town
State: Arizona
Program Description: Background

The Ponderosa Pine Advisory Council and the Grand Canyon Forests Partnership conducted an initial wildfire risk assessment for the Flagstaff Urban Interface area in the year 2000. This effort was supplanted by the development of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) in 2004. The CWPP encompasses an Analysis Area of roughly 930,000 acres and an Interface Zone of 280,000 acres, involving a mix of federal, state, county, city, and private lands. In addition, the City has recently completed a city-wide Neighborhood Assessment, funded in-part by a donation from Allstate Insurance.

Goals common to all:

  1. Development of an educated and involved public,

  2. Implementation of forest treatment projects designed to reduce the wildfire threat and improve long-term forest health, in a progressive and prioritized manner, and,

  3. Utilization of FireWise building techniques and principles.

Recommendations common to all:

  1. Widespread use of both selective tree thinning, brush disposal, and prescribed fire, on all ownerships and jurisdictions,

  2. Development and implementation of a variety of practices and approaches designed to improve protection capabilities.

Further Information:

For further information contact, via email, Paul Summerfelt or phone 928-779-7688.

Visit the following websites

Flagstaff Fuel Management �

Greater Flagstaff Forests Partnership �

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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