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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Idaho Resource Conservation & Development Districts (RC&D;) and the Student Conservation Association
Type: Homeowner assistance
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: State
State: Idaho
Program Description: In the summer of 2001, the Fire Education Corps, a division of the Student Conservation Association, worked with five regional Resource Conservation and Development Councils in Idaho, to provide house-to-house Firewise information to homeowners. The five crews were in the Coeur D'Alene, Cascade, Boise, Salmon and Pocatello areas.

The comprehensive outreach program in wildland-urban interface areas provides homeowners with the information they need to reduce fuel loads on their properties, choose fire-resistant building materials, improve the defensible space around their homes, and organize fuels reduction projects.

The volunteer college students hand-delivered Firewise information and offered free wildfire hazard risk assessments to homeowners. Following the risk assessment, the volunteers provided recommendations for reducing wildfire risks, including instructions on clearing to create defensible space. In each of the five RC&D; areas, the SCA volunteers created a demonstration project. With the assistance of several homeowners, the crew spent a weekend clearing ladder fuels and hazardous fuels to demonstrate the clean and green look of Firewise homes. These demonstration projects were very effective, and inspired more neighbors to clear the vegetation around their homes. Some RC&D; areas arranged for the hauling of brush to coordinate with the clean-up activities.

A Fire-Resistant Vegetation Guide for Idaho was created as part of the project, and was used to recommend landscaping ideas to homeowners. In 2001, 4,033 homeowners were provided with information, and 568 Wildfire Hazard Risk Assessments were conducted. Additionally, the volunteers appeared at the Boise River Festival and other large public events, baseball games, and at a BLM Open House, reaching an estimated 11,784 people.

The Firewise message was also spread through TV, radio and newspaper publicity, and with demonstration houses at the local Home Depot stores.

For more information, contact Bill Moore at (208) 888-1890, or email Idaho's RCD. For information on the Fire Education Corps, contact Jody Handly at (208)424-6734, or email Jody Handly.

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