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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Marin County, CA -- Fire Department Action Plan
Type: Fuelbreaks
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: The Marin County Fire Department Bureau of Prevention and Investigation is mandated to implement the state requirements for fuel reduction found in the fire safe and law enforcement sections of the California Public Resources Code (PRC) in the State Responsibility Lands (SRA) within Marin County. These activities include "managing the residential wildfire hazard reduction programs, new land development fire safe standards, monitoring high voltage power line compliance, and investigate the cause, origin and responsible act of all SRA vegetation fires".

To further these objectives, the Department has developed a comprehensive approach to help property owners adopt and maintain vegetation management to reduce the risk of catastrophic wild fire. Some of these activities include public education campaigns, facilitating property owner self-inspections, and offering assistance in removing hazardous fuels.

The Department's comprehensive approach to making the County more firesafe includes an Action Plan for wildfire prevention. The elements of that Action Plan and an overview of the Department's activities may be viewed.

Presented here are excerpts from the Marin County Fire Department's Action Plan that address the implementation of fuel reduction guidelines and related public outreach activities.

The Wildland Fire code enforcement component is aimed at the enforcement of California Public Resource Code 4291 that insures citizens provide defensible space around dwelling structures. As the 1995 Mt. Vision Fire proved, the two best predictors of structure survival are clearance around structures (i.e., defensible space), and the composition of the roof material. In 1993, the county adopted a firesafe roofing ordnnce,requiring residents to install Class A materials, when old roofs are replaced.

Defensible space can be an immediate benefit. The Marin County Fire Department mails Residential Wildfire Hazard Reduction Program information and self-inspection forms notices to approximately 7000 residences. Engine companies conduct 700 to 1000 inspections annually, enforcing Public Resource Code 4291. The department and Fire Safe Marin coordinate inspection and enforcement programs for local fire districts within the State Responsibility Area.

Land use planning is another means of insuring code enforcement before poor or hazardous building decisions. Land use planning can reduce loss of structures through strategic planning of development locations and construction landscaping. Marin County has numerous structures that are located within the wildland-urban interface. Homes with wood siding, wood decks, and wood shingled roofs are at extreme risk from a wildland fire! Future building plans are checked to insure this building practice is not repeated and other fire protection measures are met. Adequate water supply, fire engine access, and turn-around areas are also required. The department reviews approximately 50 plans annually.

Public education is a very high priority in Marin County. Fire Safe Marin spearheads this effort. A quarterly fire safe newsletter is sent to 3000 residents. Bulletins that cover fire resistant plants and landscaping have been developed and distributed. Fire safe seminars are conducted hosting landscape professionals, city and county planners, and utility companies.

The Marin County Fire Department's public education objective is to create a web page that includes this fire management plan. Citizens will be able to observe their community and the associated fire risk. Current projects will be highlighted to demonstrate the positive effect from vegetation management projects.

Fuels Management

Fuels management alters fuel characteristics (amount, continuity, etc.) such that hazard is reduced. Most fuel treatments are designed to reduce fire behavior (spread, intensity), such that the fire is easier to contain, or the damage from the fire is reduced due to lower intensities.

The three fuel management approaches are defensible space, fuel breaks, and fire protection zones. Defensible space around a structure is provided by the landowner. This is accomplished through inspection programs, education, and free vegetation collection sites. Community fuel break projects provide strategic locations to contain a fire. Fire protection zones are large areas treated by controlled burns,or mechanical means, to reduce the fuel load.

For additional information, please contact:
Ken Massucco, Fire Chief
3501 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (415) 499-6717
Fax: (415) 499-7820
Send Email to: [email protected]
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