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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Marin County, CA -- FireSafe Program
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: FireSafe Marin is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving fire safety in Marin County through public/private cooperation, communication, education and fire hazard reduction efforts.

FireSafe Marin is comprised of a diverse set of area stakeholders including residents, representatives of local and county fire departments and districts, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and regional planning agencies. It is part of the larger California Fire Safe Council network. The Marin County group is actively involved in public educational outreach projects to reduce fuels in neighborhoods and along escape routes.

As part of the larger California Fire Safe Council network, FireSafe Marin is involved in practical public education and outreach programs for wildfire prevention. The Council applies for and administers grants for fuel reduction projects. Additionally it receives requests from local communities within Marin County to conduct "Chipper Days". At these events property owners have access to wood chipper equipment to transform cleared brush and other vegetative material into mulch. The Council raised money to help pay for this chipper program through a booth at the 2000 Marin County Fair.

The Marin Council was awarded a $25,000. grant from the Marin Community Foundation. The Council plans to use these funds to promote fire safety in three wildland-urban interface communities within the County.

The Firesafe Marin website is an excellent source of information for individual property owners and community groups. The website contains information on how to create and maintain defensible space around a home, a fire survival guide and preparedness planner, and an explanation of PRC 4291, the law requiring defensible space in State Responsibility Areas. Also available on the website is information on creating a firesafe garden with a firewise plant list.

Information on firewise neighborhoods and ongoing fuel reduction projects is available on the website. A link called Funding Projects provides information on how to submit a grant proposal to receive funds for a community fuels reduction project. The grants clearinghouse at assists members of the California Fire Alliance in obtaining grants.

For more information about FireSafe Marin, please contact:

Kent Julin
650 Las Gallinas Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94903

Email: FireSafe Marin Info or [email protected].

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