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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Kittitas County, WA - Fuels Reduction Plan and Fuelbreak
Type: Homeowner assistance
Designation of high risk areas
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: County
State: Washington
Program Description: Kittitas County, Washington is very active in vegetation management for wildfire mitigation. Some components of their multi-faceted program are:

  1. Creating a shaded fuel break around the town of Roslyn, WA;

  2. Hiring a full-time person to evaluate and prioritize homes for fuel reduction work in Kittitas and neighboring Yakima Counties;

  3. Study at-risk subdivisions and create a plan to make them "firewise";

  4. Founding Kittitas County Firewise Co-op;

  5. Embarking on fuel reduction work in two high-risk areas within the county;

  6. Creating a "Jr. Firewise" educational program for 8th graders, to bring the firewise message home today, and for tomorrow's homeowners (see Junior Firewise Program - Kittitas County entry on this website).

Fuel Reduction Projects

In 2001, Kittitas County created a fuel break around the 19th century mining town of Roslyn, WA, famous for being the backdrop for the TV show "Northern Exposure". Since the forest comes very close to the town, and the underbrush was very thick, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources was worried that a forest fire could be transmitted to the town, or vice versa. The county received a $344,000 grant to do the fuel reduction work.

The project was planned and presented to the community in a forum and a test plot was done to show that the shaded fuel break was attractive and still effective in fire prevention. With the endorsement of local environmental groups, the work began. The area was spread out in three areas for contractual purposes. There was much media coverage at the local, state and national levels.

Two other high risk, high hazard areas of Kittitas and Yakima Counties have been identified and targeted for fuel reduction work in the coming year. It is anticipated that work will begin to reduce fuels in these areas beginning in the summer, 2002.

Risk Assessments

Kittitas and Yakima Counties have hired a coordinator to evaluate and prioritize the 2700 at-risk homes in the two counties. The position was underwritten through a USFS/USDA grant for 12 months, and began in February, 2002.

Many of Kittitas' subdivisions were developed in the 1960's, and lack the proper infrastructure for fire safety -- no fire flow, narrow and steep roads and heavy fuel loads. The county is studying how to better "firewise" these areas. The study will be a module-type plan, and will be used throughout the county to better protect the residents.

Public Education

In 2001, Kittitas County Firewise Co-op was started by a group of homeowners, fire suppression personnel, and interested individuals. The group meets monthly to discuss fire preventon issues, and better prepare Kittitas County for wildfire. They held a Firewise Workshop in November.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Derald Gaidos or Matt Eberlein.

S. Roslyn Fuel Break

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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