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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: California -- Insurance FAIR Plan
Type: Property Insurance
Jurisdiction: State
State: California
Program Description: The California Insurance FAIR Plan is implemented by participating insurance companies. It is designed to increase insurance rates in those areas with extremely hazardous fire potential or to require additional "brush exposure" charges to customers who do not remove dangerous vegetation. The rationale for this differential is that policyholders in areas with less risk of damage from catastrophic wildfire should not be expected to "subsidize" the insurance payments of policyholders in areas of much higher risk. The insurance industry bases this risk assessment on factors such as close proximity (within 500 to 1,000 feet) to the area's foothills, grasslands or mountains. Other considerations are whether the area has experienced a large increase in population, introducing more strain on fire-fighting resources. The other major factor is the presence of fuel to feed a large wildfire. The fuel consists of vegetation and brush allowed to grow too near houses and other structures. The FAIR plan introduces economic incentives for property owners to remove dangerous vegetation that increases the risk of damage from large wildfires.

The insurance industry has offered the following guidelines for policyholders who would like to keep their policies and to keep the cost of that insurance from increasing. In addition to requirements aimed at building materials, alarm and fire extinguishing systems, the program has specific standards for vegetation management and removal. In addition to these requirements, there are other standards including those relating to the use of fire resistant building materials, plainly marked street addresses, and clear access for firefighters to the property.

The requirements of the FAIR Plan (which can be found in this Microsoft Word document "2001 Fire Safe Insurance Guide", on page 11) dealing with vegetation removal and management include the requirement to create and maintain a defensible space around structures. The brush should be cleared to a minimum distance of 200 -- 300 feet. This "buffer zone" is designed to impede or stop an advancing wildfire and to create a "working space" for firefighters.

Other guidelines include stacking firewood at least 30 to 100 feet away and uphill from structures. Also, any combustible vegetation should not be allowed to grow within 10 feet of a woodpile. Further, policyholders must mow grass regularly, rake and remove leaves, and keep trees trimmed of dead limbs. To make the property more "fire safe", the plan require a 15-foot space between the tops of trees or their crowns, along with the removal of tree branches that are within 10 feet of the ground, chimmneys or outdoor cooking areas. In addition, vines that may be flammable need to be removed from walls of buildings.

It is important to note that these brush-clearing requirements may be more stringent than that required by local ordinances. If these standards are not met by the beginning of an insurance policy, then a surcharge will be added to each $1,000 of insurance. Another important element of the program is that the surcharge will be applicable even if the brush is located on property belonging to someone other than the policyholder. The extra charge will apply until the vegetation is removed.

For additional information contact:
Derek Young
Monrovia Fire Department
141 East Lemon Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
Office: 626/256-8105
Email: [email protected].

Or view the Monrovia Fire Department website.
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