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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: California Public Resources Code (PRC) 4291
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: State
State: California
Program Description: The requirement of a defensible space is mandated by California state law, Public Resources Code (PRC) 4291.

California Codes-Public Resources Code Section 4291

Any person who owns, leases, controls or maintains any occupied building or structure in, upon or adjoining mountainous area, forest-covered land, brush-covered land, grass-covered land or land which is covered with flammable material, shall at all times:

    1. Maintain around and adjacent to such building or structure not less than a thirty foot firebreak on each side of the building or structure or to the property line, whichever is nearer. Single specimen trees, shrubs or ground covers may remain if they do not form a continuous fuel source from native vegetation to the structure.

    2. Maintain around and adjacent to such building or structure a firebreak of one hundred feet or greater if required by state law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. Insurance Companies may require greater distances for coverage. Ground cover more than 30 feet from structures and less than 18 inces in height may be maintained for erosion control.

    3. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within ten feet of the outlet of any chimney or stovepipe.

    4. Maintain any tree adjacent to or overhanging any building free of dead or dying wood.

    5. Maintain the roof of any structure free of leaves, needles, or other dead vegetative growth.

    6. Prior to new construction or reconstruction in areas damaged by fire, certification is required from building officials that the proposed structure complies with all state and local building standards. Upon completion, the owner must obtain the final inspection report and make it available for insurance carriers, if requested.

    7. The director may authorize removal of vegetation that is not consistent with standards and place a lien on the property for expenses.

California Codes-Government Code 51182

Any person who owns, leases, controls, operates or maintains any occupied dwelling or occupied structure in a local agency-designated very high fire hazard severity zone and located in, upon or adjoining any mountainous area, forest-covered land or land that is covered with flammable material, shall at all times:

    1. Maintain around and adjacent to the dwelling or structure not less than a thirty foot firebreak on each side of the dwelling or structure, or to the property line, whichever is nearer. Single specimen trees, shrubs or ground covers may remain if they do not form a continuous fuel source from native vegetation to the structure.

    2. Maintain around and adjacent to such dwelling or structure a firebreak of one hundred feet or to the property line, or greater if required by state law, or local ordinance, rule, or regulation. The property's insurance provider may require the owner to maintian a firebreak of greater distance. Ground covers within 30 feet of the structure main remain if less than 18 inches high and necessary to prevent soil erosion.

    3. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within ten feet of the outlet of any chimney or stovepipe.

    4. Maintain any tree adjacent to or overhanging any building free of dead or dying wood.

    5. Maintain the roof of any structure free of leaves, needles, or other dead vegetative growth.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Frank Goddard, via email, at [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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