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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Clark County, WA - Public Education by the Fire Districts
Type: Demonstration projects
Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: Fire District
State: Washington
Program Description: Clark County, Washington Fire Districts are very active with public education programs. In the Spring, before fire season, they have employees go house to house, talking to homeowners, distributing literature on defensible space and safety, and offering to do free home fire risk assessments. Some of the Districts have created and publicized defensible space demonstrator homes, and, they hold an annual Fire District Open House for public education on fire issues.

Self- Issue Burn Permits

One of the most effective programs in Clark County has been the distribution of "self-issue burn permits". Since escaped fire is one of the largest sources of wildland fire, Fire Districts have been able to reach individuals before they make fires by requiring them to come to the Fire District to pick up a permit. This gives firefighters the opportunity to explain the rules for outdoor burning, and the individual must sign that he is aware of the rules, and will follow them. Self-issue permits have resulted in a noticeable reduction in the number of fire calls over the years.

Free Risk Assessments

The Fire Districts educate homeowners about the need for defensible space around their homes. Each year before the fire season, employees of the fire district go house to house in WUI areas knocking on doors and offering to do free assessments of fire risk. For those who are not home, they leave literature hanging on the doorknob, with a phone number to call for the free assessment. The assessment form was developed by Clark County Fire Districts based on NFPA 299, and adapted to the needs of their region.

Demonstration Homes

Clark County Fire District #3, has raised awareness for creating defensible space by making a "demonstrator home". This is a collaborative effort with Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the United States Forest Service, and is not done annually, but is very effective. The Fire District chooses a home which is terribly overgrown, and with the homeowner's permission, goes in and clears timber and slash, chips the debris, and mows until the 30' zone of defensible space is created. This can take an enormous amount of man-power, but coordinated with media coverage, it is a very effective tool for raising public awareness.

Each year Fire District #3 participates in the Southwest Washington Fire Prevention Council's Home and Garden Show. They provide information on vegetation management and defensible space. The Fire District has a display of a model "good house/bad house" which demonstrates incorrect and correct lifestyles in the WUI. They provide the same information locally when they hold an Open House at the Fire Station each May.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Donavon Mattern.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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