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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Clark County. WA - Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix Ordinance
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: Washington
Program Description: The Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix Ordinance, enacted in 1993, is aimed at "minimizing the possibility of wildland fires involving structures and structural fires involving wildlands." The ordinance specifies that NFPA 299 will be used in approving any application for subdivision, new development, or building construction. The ordinance applies specific protection requirements to WUI areas which are defined as those areas at elevation above 500 feet, with either slope greater than 25%, forest type vegetation, or outside an organized fire district. Some areas of particularly rough terrain below 500 foot elevation are also defined as WUI.

The WUI Ordinance contains standards for access roads with turnarounds, private driveway width, driveway overhead clearance, turnarounds or turnouts, and bridges. The ordinance contains a unique system of trade-offs for water requirements based on meeting access/egress standards, building setbacks, firesafe construction materials, and defensible space.

Defensible Space Requirements

Defensible space is required around all buildings in the WUI. The regulations are set out below:

(1) No building shall be located within 30 feet of a property line.

(2) All vegetation and combustible construction debris associated with building construction shall be removed from the lot and/or disposed of in an approved manner prior to any use or occupancy of the building.

(3) All dead wood and brush or undergrowth or vegetation, within 30 feet of a building, which will tend to propagate the spread of fire, shall be removed.

(4) All annual type grasses within 30 feet of a building shall be cut and maintained at a height of 4 inches or less.

(5) Trees within 30 feet of a building shall be limbed to a height not less than 15 feet.

(6) Conifers (trees) shall not be located nor shall any portion thereof extend to within 15 feet of the furthest projection of a building roof line or horizontal combustible surface.

(7) The distance requirements of subsections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, above, shall be increased by 25% for any development or construction outside of an organized fire department or fire protection district.

The WUI Ordinance gives responsibility to comply with the ordinance to the developer or builder. Upon occupancy, it becomes the responsibility of the owner to ensure continued compliance with the provisions of the ordinance.

Contact Information

For more information contact Jon Dunaway or by phone at 360.397.2375 ext 3324.
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