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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Lower Mattole Valley, CA -- Fire Plan
Type: Education
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: Fire District
State: California
Program Description: Lower Mattole Fire Plan

The Lower Mattole region is located in Northwestern California, south of Eureka, near the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. In 2002, the residents of the Lower Mattole decided to create a local Fire-Safe Council and write a Fire Plan to protect themselves from wildfire. The Fire Plan and the fire-safe council developed together. Using US Forest Service funding, and administrative and fundraising support from the Mattole Restoration Council, eight neighborhood public meetings took place between January and March of 2002 to discuss the most pressing fire threats. Information on the Lower Mattole Fire Plan is available on the internet at publications_publications_2.

Ten residents volunteered to represent their communities on the Lower Mattole Fire-Safe Council along with representatives of the Bureau of Land Management, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, California State Parks, Honeydew Volunteer Fire Company, and the Petrolia Volunteer Fire Department. The Fire Safe Council meets two to four times per year to collaborate on neighborhood-specific projects.

Fuels Reduction Projects

At the neighborhood meetings residents discussed their concerns about wildfire and identified specific areas of high priority for fuels reduction work. Shaded fuels breaks along major roads were discussed as was helping residents to firesafe their own properties. The idea of sponsoring community chipper days was well received. Residents could brush their properties and drag the brush to a place along a road. On scheduled days the chipper would come by to chip the piles. A Forest Service chipper could be used until the Fire Safe Council could buy its own chipper and keep it at a fire station in the valley. Another idea was to organize fire-safe work days at the homes of elderly or disabled residents who need assistance with fuels reduction. Residents also discussed organizing road-brushing crews to open up dense roads identified as priorities in the neighborhood meetings. In some cases the work could be done by community volunteers. Larger projects would require funding to hire crews.

Several forested areas were identified for the creation of shaded fuel breaks. Collaboration with public agencies such as BLM was discussed; the involvement of these agencies in the Fire Safe Council insures coordination. Other ideas included sponsoring classes to train residents in fire hazard reduction, and encouraging the use of goats or sheep to consume fuels.

Education Projects

Participants in the neighborhood meetings favored the idea of fire-safe education for school children. Trainings in fuels reduction and firefighting for the general community were also favored. Education as a result of the meetings was deemed effective, and on-going community meetings were encouraged.

Role of the Fire-Safe Council

The Lower Mattole Fire-Safe Council is the administrative agency charged with implementing the plans developed in the Fire Plan. The Fire Safe Council evaluates proposed projects, prioritizes them, applies for and administers funding, and provides project oversight.

Contact Information

For more information contact:

Ian Sigman
Interim Sect/Treasurer
Lower Mattole Fire Safe Council
POB 20
Petrolia, CA 95558
EMAIL: [email protected]
Home: (707) 629-3445
-- OR --
Evans Cook
Interim Chair
Lower Mattole Fire Safe Council
POB 20
Petrolia, CA 95558
EMAIL: [email protected]
Home: (707) 629-3428

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