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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Fire Safe California Grants Clearinghouse
Type: Community Planning
Jurisdiction: State
State: California
Program Description: Fire Safe California Grants Clearinghouse

The Fire Safe California Grants Clearinghouse,, is a website sponsored by the California Fire Safe Council and the California Fire Alliance to provide a simplified process for communities to find and apply for grants to improve their wildfire preparedness.

Eligible communities can apply to multiple programs by submitting just one concept paper through the website. The funding agencies review the concept papers and notify the organization of their intent to fund the project. Then specific application forms must be filled out and submitted.

The clearinghouse gives the funding agencies the ability to coordinate planning, and to consider funding projects they might otherwise not know about. The Fire Safe Council facilitates the clearinghouse by providing technical assistance to applicants, shepherding concept papers to funding agencies, thereby allowing more than one funding source to consider the project. Where appropriate, the Fire Safe Council passes the grants through to the organizations.

Grant programs include:

Bureau of Land Management Community Assistance;

USDA Forest Service Community Protection; and

USDA Forest Service State Fire Assistance WUI.

Website Sponsors

California Fire Safe Council (FSC)

The Council's mission is to preserve and enhance California's manmade and natural resources by providing leadership and support that mobilizes all Californians to protect their homes, communities and environment from wildfires. The Council accomplishes its mission through public education programs and by funding community fire safety projects. The Council hosts the site in cooperation with its fellow members of the California Fire Alliance.

California Fire Alliance
The Alliance is comprised of California's fire and land management agencies and the FSC. The Alliance is a cooperative membership dedicated to the support of pre-fire principles and activities ensuring that pre-fire management provides for public and community safety, minimizes costs and losses, and maintains and improves the quality of the environment. The Alliance constitutes an interagency forum for coordinating member agencies' efforts in an integrated fashion.

Important Dates for 2005 Funding

Call for concept papers: Oct. 2004;

Grant training sessions � Held in 8 locations during the month of November;

Concept papers due: Feb. 4, 2005;

Project selection: Feb. 22-24, 2005;

Applicants notified of funding decision: March 4, 2005;

Applications due: April 4, 2005;
Projects funded: based on agency timelines.

Contact Information

For more information send an email to: [email protected]
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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