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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: North Dakota Public Education Program
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: State
State: North Dakota
Program Description: North Dakota Forest Service has used public education to encourage homeowners to reduce vegetative fuels and incorporate other FireWise practices around their homes. They have produced a series of pamphlets called "Firewise in North Dakota!". The pamphlets are made available by the North Dakota Forest Service through the County Emergency Managers and Rural Fire Department Chiefs, and used as talking points when NDFS issues statewide news releases during fire season.

Wildfire in the Prairie Ecosystem

Wildfire has always been common and widespread in North Dakota. It is a natural part of the prairie ecosystem. The prairie has been subject to fires every three to four years with larger conflagrations taking place on a ten to thirty year cycle. Every year in North Dakota nearly 600 wildfires driven by high winds, burn over 20,000 acres of primarily grassland.

Defensible Space

The pamphlet, "10 Steps to Being 'Firewise in North Dakota'" encourages homeowners to be aware of the danger of fire in their ecosystem, and modify the vegetation around their homes. They should create defensible space by maintaining a 30-foot zone of green, mowed and irrigated lawn around the home, keep windbreaks clear of leaves, debris, and dried woodland fuels, and prune or remove trees from around the house.

Risk Assessment

"Protecting Your Home From Wildfire", is a pamphlet which helps the homeowner and farmer assess his risk from wildland fire. This checklist evaluates fire safety looking at the structure of the home itself, location of firewood, flammable debris and vegetation near the home, accessibility for emergency vehicles, maintenance of firebreaks and windbreaks, and location of outbuildings and hay bales. The homeowner answers "yes" or "no" to each questions giving him a qualitative assessment of his home's wildfire risk.

"Wildfire: Home or Farm Hazard Rating", takes a quantitative approach to self-evaluating fire hazard risk. Looking at the factors of: vegetation type, slope, structure materials, defensible space, accessibility, and miscellaneous factors, the pamphlet provides a formula for home and farm owners to calculate wildfire hazard risk.

FireWise Landscape Grant Program
North Dakota Forest Service also administers the FireWise Landscape Grant Program, designed to encourage communities to implement FireWise ideas in existing or planned tree plantings. It is a three-tiered program, consisting of a "black" zone on the windward side of the planting, followed by a second zone of mowed, irrigated grass, (two readily accepted mitigation practices on the prairie). The third and final zone encourages more fire resistant design and maintenance of tree plantings. It is a reimbursement, incentive program, with a 50% match required by communities.

Forest Service is currently developing a Hazard Mitigation cost share program which will offer financial incentives, on a reimbursement basis, to perform various hazard mitigation projects such as fuels reduction, prescribed burning, and dry hydrant installation, at the community level.

Contact Information

For more information or to obtain copies of the pamphlets, contact David Geyer via email, or call 701-328-9985.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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