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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Kentucky�s Firewise Councils
Type: Property Insurance
Homeowner assistance
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: County
State: Kentucky
Program Description: Background

Two counties in Kentucky, Carter and McCreary, have established Firewise Council Programs. The Councils are educating community leaders, firefighters, and residents about wildfire hazards and organizing programs to reduce communities' risk should a wildfire occur. The two counties are being used as models for the State.

Forests in both counties were devastated by storm damage in 1998 and 1999. An epidemic of Southern Pine Beetle infestation followed in 200 and 2001; 85 percent of the southern yellow pine trees in McCreary County were killed, creating a serious wildfire hazard.

Carter County Firewise Council

The Carter County Firewise Council was initiated by FIVCO, the development district for a five county area in eastern Kentucky. The organization developed NFP grant proposals to conduct Firewise workshops. With funding obtained through these grants, FIVCO held seven workshops in the summer of 2003. Firefighters from six volunteer fire departments in the county attended the workshops. An additional five workshops are currently being planned and some grant funds will be used to send volunteer fire department personnel to a state-level Firewise workshop.

A home inspection program that will be implemented by volunteer firefighters is also being developed. In addition, State officials are working with insurance agencies to determine if reductions in insurance rates could be obtained for residents conducting fuels reduction projects.

McCreary County Firewise Council

The McCreary County Firewise Council was initiated with assistance from personnel from the USDA Forest Service, Stearns Ranger District in 2001. Council members include firefighters and community leaders. Council meetings are held monthly.

Six community meetings have been held to help residents develop action plans to address wildfire risks in specific areas of the county. As of January 2003, fuels reduction projects had been conducted around more than 50 homes. Firewise educational materials have been distributed through mailings to 7000 area residents, as well.

The Council has conducted a countywide fire hazard assessment with assistance from Morehead State University. High hazard areas were identified using satellite imagery in conjunction with map layers of slope and aspect and proximity of areas of dead trees to structures. Information from the assessment was presented at community meeting to prioritize high risk areas for treatment.

Contact Information

For more information about the Carter County Firewise Council, contact Kathy Lewis, via email at [email protected], or phone: 606-739-5191. For more information about the McCreary County Firewise Council, contact, via email, Betty Higgins at [email protected] or phone: 606-376-5323.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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