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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Kentucky�s Firewise Program
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: State
State: Kentucky
Program Description: Background

About 40 of the 120 counties in Kentucky are considered at high risk for wildfire; these are primarily located in the eastern portion of the state. Two counties--McCreary and Carter-- established Firewise Councils in 2003 and served as models for the State Firewise Program (see Kentucky Firewise Councils, on this website). In 2004 and 2005, seven additional Firewise Councils were established.

Firewise Activities

The Division of Forestry along with the Kentucky Division of Conservation and the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (Divisions) conducted seven Firewise workshops in eastern Kentucky in the summer of 2003. A forest ranger technician in each of the Division of Forestry's nine districts received training to facilitate Firewise workshops.

A position dedicated to the Firewise Program was established in 2004. The Technical Specialist who assumed the position had: 1) conducted 31 Firewise Workshops, 2) provided technical assistance to 35 communities, and 3) conducted 21 Firewise presentations by May 2005.

The Divisions also implemented the Firewise Community Grant Program in 2004. Through the Program, $376,180 in funding was provided to 12 counties, councils and fire departments for Firewise activities.

Media Campaign

The Divisions contracted with a marketing firm in 2003 to develop a promotional advertising campaign to encourage local community leaders and fire department personnel to attend Firewise workshops. Outlets for the campaign have included print media, and radio and television stations. A phone-in hotline for tips leading to arsonists is advertised as part of the campaign; arson is the cause of more than more than 50 percent of wildfires in Kentucky.

The Divisions have assembled packets of materials promoting the Firewise message for distribution to community leaders and high schools. The packets contain Firewise materials supplied by the National Firewise organization and the CD-ROM "Living on the Edge in Kentucky." Brochures specific to Kentucky's environment that depict a 30-foot defensible space model around homes, promote the use of fire resistant building materials, and recommend landscaping plant species for Kentucky's fire prone areas were also included.

Teacher's Education

The Division of Forestry contracted with ITM media to conduct five workshops geared to fourth through eighth grade teachers. These workshops have centered around the educational curriculum and CD-ROM program "Kentucky Wildfire Prevention." The curriculum has been correlated to the state education standards. A website is available that details the curriculum and offers handout materials and other resources for teachers.

Four teacher workshops featuring the educational curriculum of Project Learning Tree, the "Burning Issues" CD-Rom and the "Kentucky Wildfire Prevention" CD-ROM have been held. The "Living on the Edge in Kentucky" and "Burning Issues" CD-ROMs were distributed to all workshop attendees and have been provided to many local citizens and fire departments, as well. In addtion, the "Kentucky Wildfire Prevention" CD-Rom is being distributed to teachers statewide.

Contact information

For more information about the workshops for fire protection officials and teachers contact, via email, Jennifer Turner.

For more information about the media campaign, contact, via email, Gwen Holt.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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