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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Georgia 2001 NFP Funded Mitigation Projects
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: Georgia
Program Description: The Georgia Forestry Commission received NFP funding in 2001 and 2002 for the purpose of educating residents about wildfire risk and reducing hazardous fuels in WUI communities.

Projects that were completed as of July 2002 include:


This grant involved the making of a video on fire prevention and fire suppression with a FIREWISE theme. A local contractor was hired to make the video. The video was filmed exclusively in the McRae District and featured district personnel. Copies were distributed to all districts, the Macon headquarters, and county offices within the McRae district. The video will be used to educate the public on FIREWISE principles and wildland urban-interface problems specific to the area.


This grant involved the mitigation of fuels around Mariners Landing Community and Pinewood Estates Trailer Park in Camden County. A combination of firebreak harrowing, mowing, greenbelt seeding and herbicide maintenance was completed. Signs were also erected to designate the project.


This grant involved the establishment of a wide firebreak and mowed buffer in and around the community of St. George. Signs were erected to designate the project area. A clean up of junk cars and old scrap metal in the woods that could impede fire suppression efforts was also conducted.

A town meeting was held for local residents to explain the project and to educate residents about actions they should take in the event of a wildfire. A float pump was also purchased for the local fire department.

A portion of the grant monies was used to purchase an ATV, which was outfitted with a 14-gallon water tank, spray gun and nozzles. The ATV is being kept at the Morgan/Walton Forestry Unit for the purpose of assisting landowners with prescribed burning operations. It has also assisted on wildfires and with acreage measurement. To date, the ATV has been used for 50 hours of burning operations and for 8 hours in the measurement of large wildfires.

Additional grant monies were used for training Morgan County Fire Department personnel in wildland fuel mitigation practices. Grant funds were used to purchase wildland fire fighting equipment for fire department personnel training exercises and for a wildland fire fighting cache trailer.

The grant was also used to plow 150 miles of pre-suppression firebreaks for 26 landowners near the communities of Madison, Buckhead, Appalachee, Bostwick, Rutledge and Godfrey. A total of 2,117 acres was prescribed burned near these communities, as well.

Projects that were underway but not completed as of July 2002.


Grant funds were used to purchase and outfit an ATV. Firebreaks were mapped and plowed around the subdivision. Community meetings, firefighter training, prescribed burning and FIREWISE assessments for homeowners are in the planning stages.


This project focuses on educating residents regarding FIREWISE concepts. A FIREWISE brochure entitled � Don�t Be A Fuel� has been created and printed for use in the Gainesville District and White County. The brochure discusses the following FIREWISE topics: 1) defensible space, 2) emergency access, 3) fire resistant roofing and other construction materials, 4) FIREWISE landscaping, and 5) disaster planning. The brochure also includes a short, (five question) true/false checklist to help residents identify aspects of their fire safety planning that are inadequate.

A project is underway at the Unicoi State Park rest station to erect a bulletin board displaying FIREWISE information. FIREWISE construction and landscaping concepts will also be exhibited. FIREWISE signs will also be erected at strategic locations in the county.

A FIREWISE workshop is currently scheduled to take place at Smithgall Woods in White County on August 27, 2003. Grant funds are being used to purchase a power point projector and lap top computer for use at this workshop.


An enclosed trailer and a diorama display have been purchased by the Milledgeville District to be used as an educational tool for the promotion of FIREWISE principles. This trailer will be used extensively at public gatherings such as fairs, schools, etc. It is anticipated that this will be an excellent educational tool at the Sunbelt Expo and similar functions.


A fuel mitigation project is being conducted for Queensland Community in Ben Hill County. The intent is to mitigate dangerous fuels around this disadvantaged community. Accomplishments as of July 2002 included some prescribed burning; the purchase of a Type 6 Wildland Fire Engine, an ATV, and harrow; placement of a FIREWISE road sign at the entrance to the community; and distribution of FIREWISE literature to residents. An article describing the project was published in the local newspaper. Other planned wildfire mitigation activities include additional prescribed burning and trash clean up in the area.


This project involves FIREWISE education and fuel mitigation around the Lake Seminole area. Grant funds have been used to purchase FIREWISE educational materials, an ATV, and other materials such as saws and ladders to be used for hazard mitigation work. A prescribed burn was also conducted in the area of Island Point.

A workday took place in March to treat fuels around several homes in the lake area. The workday was a cooperative effort between GFC personnel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Seminole County Fire Department. In preparation for the workday, a cooperators� meeting as well as a community education meeting were held. Additional fuels mitigation work is planned during the winter months.


This project involves mitigation work in Bryan, McIntosh, Liberty, Effingham and Bulloch counties. The project thus far, has focused on mowing around pine plantations bordering mobile home and single-family home subdivisions in Bryan County. The objective is to clear defensible borders and maintain them as needed. In addition to cutting non-woody vegetation, the mower cuts large brush and hardwood tree saplings. The mower has been leased off and on with grant funds and continued intermittent leasing is planned.

Educational presentations about the project have been presented to homeowners in the affected communities. A power point slide was also developed that highlights some of the work being done.


This project involves hazard mitigation work around Dixie Creek WMA, which borders Sturbridge Subdivision in Troup County. Grant funds were used to purchase two ATV�s, which have been fully outfitted with water handling apparatus to assist in prescribed burning operations. Firelines in the area have been marked out and installed. Much work remains to be done on this project, including the production and distribution of educational brochures.


This project involves hazard mitigation in the proposed community of Heritage in Callaway Farms (Harris County). A FIREWISE workshop was held at Callaway Gardens this past March. Grant funds were used to offset some costs of the workshop. Approximately 65 people attended including local fire department and GFC personnel, builders, developers, and landscape architects. The mitigation project is being delayed because construction for the proposed community is behind schedule. The GFC-FIC coordinator responsible for administering this project has requested approval for some modifications of the grant to reflect changes in the construction schedule.


These projects involve training and education for local communities and fire departments regarding hazardous fuels mitigation and the use of FIREWISE building materials. The S205 training has been administered to fire department personnel in these communities, as well as some FIREWISE training. A CD burner and power point projector were also purchased. Much work remains to be done with these grant funds.


For more information about these projects contact Alan Dozier via email.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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