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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Virginia Web-based Information and GIS Maps: ForestRIM
Type: Education
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: State
State: Virginia
Program Description: The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) has created a public education program that is available to the populace through the internet. The VDOF website provides links to the Firewise webpage, and to the Virginia Forest Resource Information Mapper (Forest RIM), an internet-based Geographic Information System. The public version of ForestRIM should become available some time in July of 2003.

Firewise Virginia

The Firewise Virginia web page offers information on how to live safely in a woodland environment, including forms to self-assess the wildfire risk to individual homesites and whole communities, firewise landscaping and construction checklists, and instructions for creating defensible space.

GIS Maps, Forest RIM

Virginia's innovative statewide GIS application, the Virginia Forest Resource Information Mapper (Forest RIM), is available to residents by downloading maps from the Internet at VDOF employs the Internet as the delivery mechanism for the application because it is an affordable and efficient way to make the tools available not just to all field personnel, but also to the people of the Commonwealth.

The Forest RIM information consists of over 100 map layers, including:

High-resolution aerial photography;

USGS Topo Quad maps;

Wildfire Risk Assessment;

Woodland Home Communities;

Dry Hydrant Locations, Fire & Rescue Locations;

Historical fire incidents;

Forest Cover--derived from satellite imagery and Forest Inventory and Analysis data;

Roads, airports, hospitals, schools, railroads, briges, tunnels;

Waterways, waterbodies, watesheds, drinking water source areas;

Conserved lands, riparian buffers, forest fragmentation.

The maps allow viewers to zoom to desired scales, to pan across the landscape, and to query the data. Users are able to make professional-quality map outputs with title, legend, scale bar and map comments.

Wildfire Risk Analysis Map

The Wildfire Risk Analysis Map shows areas of low, moderate and high wildfire risk. For each of their jurisdictions, local VDOF foresters mapped and ranked three variables that contribute to the overall wildfire risk including, the threat of forest fire ignition; the potential for forest fire spread; and the value of the resources at stake. The following GIS map layers were critical variables in the wildfre risk analysis:

Historic fire incidents;

Land cover (as a fuels surrogate);

Topography, including slope and aspect;

Population density and road density;

Distance to roads.

Urban-Wildland Interface Analysis

A wildfire mitigation project is currently underway to update and refine the wildfire risk analysis described above. Data are being collected on locations and attributes of wildfire suppression resources, woodland home communities, and historical fire incidents. Understanding the spatial relationship of these and other features will help VDOF concentrate their prevention education, resource allocation, and emergency response efforts to areas where fire poses the greatest risk.

Mapping Gypsy Moth Defoliation and Tree Mortality

As part of its forest health monitoring efforts, the VDOF is using GIS to quantify and map the spatial patterns of forest disturbance from insect infestations and extreme weather events. These areas can pose a fire hazard risk, particularly when they occur near wildland-urban interface areas.

Contact Information

For more information on Virginia's GIS Mapping System, contact Mindia Brown, GIS Manager,via email at [email protected], or by phone at 434-977-6555.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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