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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Virginia Department of Forestry Presents IMAX Movie, "Wildfire: Feel the Heat"
Type: Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: State
State: Virginia
Program Description: Virginia Department of Forestry Presents the IMAX movie, "Wildfire: Feel the Heat"

To raise awareness of the danger of wildfire risk in Wildland-Urban Interface areas, the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) collaborated with the Roanoke Science Museum of Western Virginia to sponsor the showing of the IMAX movie, "Wildfire: Feel the Heat". The program focus was on the Roanoke Valley and surrounding area. This is an area of the state that is rapidly developing, and one which has a significant wildfire risk. NFP Grant funding allowed school groups to view the movie for free. Nearly 11,000 students viewed the movie and toured the companion exhibit "Fire in Virginia: A Cooperative Effort". A total of over 18,000 people attended the movie making it the best attended IMAX movie presented at the Science Museum of Western Virginia.

Fire in Virginia: A Cooperative Effort Exhibit

The "Fire in Virginia: A Cooperative Effort" exhibit was created by the VDOF and the US Forest Service Office of the George Washington/Thomas Jefferson National Forest. The exhibit featured a timeline which traced fire through time from prehistoric fires, to the use of fire by the American Indians, to the tragic fires of the early 1900's, to the Smokey Bear era, to the use of Prescribed Fire and the devastating fires of recent times. The timeline extended into the future showing how man hopes to utilize and control the tremendous force of fire. The time line was a 6 inch white line painted on a 25 foot long black wall illustrated with pictures and signs, old tools, and other educational items. In front of the wall, roped off with fire hose, were 15 exhibits on water quality, the Wildland-Urban Interface, Firewise, air quality, prescribed fire, and wildfire.

Special Events

The project was kicked off with a Premier Showing and a Grand Opening of the exhibit for local supporters, cooperators, and the media. The State Foresters Reception at this event was a coat and tie affair with national level attendance and was a tremendous success. In addition to the Premier Showing, several other events were planned to highlight and solicit interest in the project. A "block party" was held, in which the street outside of the museum was closed off. A variety of suppression equipment from the Virginia Department of Forestry, U.S. Forest Service, and local Fire Departments were on hand along with firefighters and a variety of exhibits and activities were enjoyed by those in attendance.

Special showings and events were also provided during the course of the project such as "Heroes Night" where all emergency response personnel and their families could attend the movie and exhibit for free, as well as a similar Forest Service/Department of Forestry Night.

The Science Museum reports that this was one of the most successful projects ever offered. The project cooperators report that this was one of the most unique ways to reach youth and general public about the history and importance of wildfire, as well as to promote the wildfire prevention message.

Contact Information

For more information on Virginia's presentation of "Wildfire: Feel the Heat" and the companion exhibit, contact John Miller, at 434-977-6555, or via email: [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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