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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Wisconsin Educational Programs
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: State
State: Wisconsin
Program Description: On lands protected by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, approximately 1,500 fires burn over 5,000 acres annually. Over 90% of these fires are human-caused. These figures do not include areas of the state where the local fire department has primary responsibility for fire. To combat these human-caused wildfires, Wisconsin has developed a public education program with many innovative ideas. For more on Wisconsin's fire prevention public education program, see the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources web site.

FireWise Education for Building/Landscape Contractors

An oral and audio-visual presentation was given to contractors in northwest Wisconsin in conjunction with a local lumberyard weekly appreciation breakfast. The objectives of the project were to educate building and landscape contractors on the WUI situation and introduce FireWise building and landscape concepts. In attendance were 30 local building and landscape contractors. The presentation included showing the video "Protecting Your Home From Wildfire" and a follow up power point presentation bringing the focus to local concerns and examples. The presentation lasted approximately 1 hour including a brief question and answer period. Feedback of the session afterward from lumberyard and contractors was very positive. Similar sessions have been given to various landowner and civic groups such as Lake Associations, Kiwanis, etc.

For more information, contact, via email, Jim Gobel, WDNR Forestry Technician, or call at 715-635-4088.

Juvenile Fire Setters Intervention

Local DNR personnel have developed a procedure to handle Juvenile Fire Setters with a goal to prevent and intervene when necessary to prevent juveniles from future fire activity. DNR networks with Law Enforcement and uses Health and Human Resources as the hub to gain data and refer the more serious juveniles to a place where they can be screened and better helped.

The Chiefs handle the structure side of the program while DNR handles the Wildland. After a screening is complete and intervention on a local level assessed, a meeting is set up with the family to educate them with the help of JFS Program videos and homework. Each case that involves a JFS, whether a fire was started or a parent is concerned, is put in the database to allow us to see trends in the area.

For more information, contact, via email, Rick Bucklew, WDNR Forestry Law Enforcement Specialist, or call 715-358-9217.

Forest Fire Laws and Regulations Brochure

Brochures explaining Wisconsin's fire laws and regulations are distributed statewide to local Ranger Stations, Service Centers, Emergency Fire Wardens, Fire Departments, and various events. The brochures explain regulations relating to open burning and and permits for prescribed burns. This is the first publication of this nature that can be used and interpreted in all areas of the state (in Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource's intensive, extensive, and cooperative areas). The brochure can be found at Fire Laws.

Fireworks Brochure

This publication was created to focus on the fireworks restrictions in the state of Wisconsin. These brochures are distributed statewide to each Ranger Station and Service Center. 40,000 were handed out at our Miller Park- Fire Prevention Night, which was held on July 4th, 2001. This brochure can be found at Fireworks .

Home Sprinkler Kit Brochure

This brochure was created to assist homeowners in Wisconsin who are surrounded with pine or northern pin oak on sandy soils. The main focus was to give homeowners the basic actions for setting up sprinkler systems around the home and property in the event of a nearby wildfire. The brochures were distributed to all DNR outlets, especially in fire prone areas of the state. The brochure is available at Sprinklers.

'Burning News Flash' Video

The intent of the 9-minute video is to assist various Foresters/Rangers in their school wildfire prevention programs. The piece is broken down into five segments (1) The responsibilities of a Fire Technician (2) Initial response to a wildfire (3) Burn barrel safety tips (4) Firefighters personal protective equipment checklist (5) Techniques WI-DNR uses for wildfire suppression.

Radio Public Service Announcements

Seven radio public service announcements were recorded and will be aired during the 2003 spring fire season. These radio spots address such issues as the careless burning of debris (the number one cause of wildfires in Wisconsin), protecting homes and property from wildfires, campfire safety and other fire-related issues.

Wildfire Prevention Calendar

As a daily reminder of wildfire prevention, the Division of Forestry created a 12-month calendar that focuses on wildfire prevention and education in Wisconsin. Copies are distributed, free-of-charge, to local Ranger Stations, Service Centers, Fire Departments, businesses, schools, and homeowners in fire-prone areas. The 2002 calendar focused on the various causes of and ways to prevent wildfire in Wisconsin. The 2003 calendar features the wildland urban interface issue facing Wisconsin.

Take Smokey Camping

In conjunction with Wisconsin's State Parks and State Forests, Smokey Bear kits (Smokey Bear doll, backpack, activity sheets, journal, etc.) are made available to help promote wildfire prevention and education throughout the state. Kids have the chance to take Smokey Bear camping and learn about the dangers of wildfire. Please view Take Smokey Camping for more information.

Forest Fire Prevention Night at Miller Park

Over 43,000 people attended the "Fire Prevention Night' at Miller Park on July 4th, 2001. The Division of Forestry was able to display fire suppression equipment, along with various exhibits, and have DNR staff available to answer questions. The opening pitch was thrown by Smokey Bear himself, along with various billboard displays, radio announcements, and a Governor's 2 minute video which aired during the pre-game ceremony to promote wildfire safety and understanding in Wisconsin. Please view Fire Prevention for more information.

Hunting and Fishing License Holders

Small license holder envelopes were distributed to every hunting and fishing licensing outlet (including big corporate businesses) with wildfire prevention tips for both the hunter and angler, depending on the season, as you recreate in our forested areas. When an individual purchases a hunting or fishing license, the license itself is placed in the envelope.

Green Ribbon Campaign
Green ribbon prevention pins (with the words 'Prevent Wildfires' on them) attached to tip cards were made available to the general public during 'Wildfire Prevention Week'- the third week in April. During 2002, the theme was Debris Burning - the number one cause of wildfires in Wisconsin. For 2003, the theme focuses on the Wildland Urban Interface � a newly invigorated program within the Division of Forestry.

Prevention Banners and Decals
Over 60 banners were created for local parades, fairs, exhibits, static on the fire equipment, or hanging at Ranger Stations. Similar giant decals were placed on nine Incident Management Team/Incident Command Post trailers.

Prevention and Equipment Posters

Sets of 9 posters are currently housed at Fire Response Units (total of 55 locations) that help explain our fire suppression equipment and the various causes of wildfire in Wisconsin. The posters are intended to be hanging in Ranger Stations, next to our suppression equipment at static displays, or used at local events (i.e. State Fair or Farm Progress Days).

Contact Information

For more information on the above programs, contact, via email, Catherine Regan, Wildfire Prevention Specialist, or call 608-266-2359.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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