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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Summit County, CO - Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project
Type: Homeowner assistance
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: County
State: Colorado
Program Description: Summit County Defensible Space & Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project

Summit County has undertaken a fuels reduction program targeting subdivisions and communities that are rated "high" in terms of fire danger and excessive fuel loading. The 2002 Economic Action Program NFP Grant funds cost-share thinning and recycling of small diameter wastes at the Climax Mine Revegetation Site.

To raise public awareness and participation in the program an advertisement was placed in the local county newspaper soliciting applications from residents in the target areas, offering a wildfire mitigation inspection and tree thinning as indicated by the inspection.

The Summit Fire Authority/Wildfire Mitigation Program leases 30 yd dumpsters from Summit Recycling Projet, Inc. Upon completion of the wildfire mitigation inspection, a dumpster is delivered for one week to the targeted property. A professional tree cutting service is employed to remove the excess vegetation around the home, and to chip or grind the slash into mulch. Large diameter logs are bucked into 4-6 ft. lengths. Homeowners are allowed to keep a portion of the wood for fuel use, but the majority of the debris is collected for use in the Climax Mine vegetation restoration project. The fee to dump the waste is shared by grant funding and homeowner contribution. Homeowners pay 25% of the cost of tree service work for fuels reduction.

The Summit County Fire Authority and the Wildfire Mitigation Officer document the inspections, as well as before and after results of fuels reduction. Following treatment of selected homes within a neighborhood, a public meeting is held to educate more neighbors of the benefits of establishing and maintaining defensible space.

Contact Information

For more information about this program, contact Patti Maguire via email at the Wildfire Mitigation Officer at Lake Dillon Fire-Rescue, or phone (970) 513-4237.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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