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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Student Conservation Association - Fire Education in 27 States
Type: Homeowner assistance
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: Multi-level
State: Idaho
Program Description: The Student Conservation Association (SCA), a non-profit organization, is the nation's leading provider of conservation service opportunities for teenagers and young adults. SCA provides volunteers to assist local, state, and federal and non-profit agencies with conservation projects nationwide. SCA volunteers annually provide over one million hours of service in parks, forests, and urban areas in a wide variety of disciplines.

Fire Education Corps

The Fire Education Corps (FEC) is SCA's largest and most expansive program. Launched in 2001, FEC now consists of over 200 college-aged people, working in teams, trained in wildland-urban interface education and property evaluation. These teams go into local communities to educate homeowners on how they can protect their homes from wildfire. The primary goal of the Fire Education Corps is to initiate community wide efforts to reduce fuels loads and improve defensible space.

The 2002 FEC program was an overwhelming success. The Fire Education Corps:

  • Worked in 32 communities in 27 states

  • Conducted over 2000 home evaluations

  • Led 12 community fuel reduction projects

  • Coordinated efforts with 40 different agencies and partners

Team Structure

Teams raise public wildfire awareness through home evaluations, presentations, canvassing, public events, fuels reduction projects and media releases. In addition to assisting homeowners, teams can also help local agencies with special data collection and the development of GIS databases for future incorporation into maps.

FEC teams are directed by a staff of five SCA managers based in Boise, Idaho. FEC manangers and teams work hand in hand with agency partners to set project priorities and annual goals. An FEC team normally consists of one extended intern (10-12 months) who is the trained and designated leader, and four short-term interns (3 months). The team size and duration can be adjusted to fit the needs of the participating agency.

Contact Information

Joey Ruehrwein, Program Director at 208-424-6734, email [email protected], or by phone 208-424-6734.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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