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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Arkansas Public Education Program
Type: Education
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: State
State: Arkansas
Program Description: Public Education Program

The Arkansas Forestry Commission is educating residents about the danger of wildfire in WUI areas, and teaching firewise principles and how to create defensible space. Arkansas Forestry Commission focuses on public education through speaking engagements, radio, tv and newspaper articles, and in-school programs to spread the word about firesafe living.

"Living With Fire"

A strong component of this public education program features the 16 page "Living With Fire" document. This will be inserted and distributed in a Sunday edition of all Arkansas newspapers. The Arkansas edition of "Living With Fire", offers a lot of good information to homeowners on how to protect their homes from wildfire by managing the vegetation around their homes, using fire resistant building materials, and being prepared in case of wildfire. The section on "Creating an Effective Defensible Space" clearly sets out recommended distances for vegetation from the home according to the slope of the property, and recommended separation distances for shrubs. To prevent ladder fuels from developing, it is recommended that a vertical separation of three times the height of the lower fuel layer be maintained within the defensible space. A list of suggested southern plants and trees is included.

Instructional Materials

Arkansas Forestry Commission also distributes several flyers on being Firewise and creating defensible space. A powerpoint presentation explains how wildland urban interface communities can increase the chance of survivability of their homes simply by having non-flammable roofs and at least 30 feet of defensible space around homes. In July of 2002, US Forest Service, Arkansas Forestry Commission and Arkansas Urban Forestry Council co-sponsored a Wildland-Urban Interface Conference for fire and public safety personnel, homeowners, contractors, planners and government personnel. The conference covered topics including FireWise development, building materials and landscaping, and other topics of fire management and forest health.

Special Events

Arkansas Forestry Commission has sponsored Zoo Days when information on FireWise Arkansas and balloons with the FireWise logo were distributed at a booth in the Zoo, and has appeared at a Health Fair in Hot Springs. They sponsored a minor league baseball team, and gave away 1,000 baseball caps with FireWise logos, and cardboard fans with firewise information on the back, at one of the games.

Contact Information

For more information, contact, via email, David Samuel at [email protected].

By phone, he may be reached at 501-296-1940.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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