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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Utah County, UT -- Urban Wildland Interface Rules
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: Utah
Program Description: Scope of Implementation

The Utah County Urban Wildland Interface Ordinance, adopted in 1993, applies to all developments within the high fire hazard overlay district. A map of the overlay district is provided in the ordinance appendix.

Permit Requirements and General Provisions

The issuance of a Fire Safety Permit from the Utah County Fire Marshal is required prior to construction and occupancy. In addition, a site plan must be submitted for the Fire Marshal's evaluation of the vegetation and determination of ample clearance. The Fire safety aspects of development regulated by the ordinance include: roads, premise identification, water supplies, fire hydrants, chimney and flues, structural design and construction, and vegetative clearance.

Minimum Vegetative Clearance Requirements

  1. Fuel breaks: Each cluster of homes should be located to provide a fire break of 100 feet or more. The fuel break specifications include: 1) removal of dead and downed material, 2) mature trees pruned to a minimum of six feet above ground, and 3) remaining vegetation trimmed to six inches in height.

  2. Structures: Vegetation should be cleared and maintained to a height of four inches within 30 feet of the structure and no more than 18 inches from 30 to 50 feet. Areas beyond 50 feet will be determined by the Fire Marshal.

  3. Requirements for trees within 50 feet of the structure: 1) thin and prune trees such that canopies at least 10 feet apart and at least 10 feet from eaves, decks, etc., 2) prune trees to 10 feet above ground; trees less than 35 feet in height should have the lower half pruned, and 3) dead and dying limbs should be pruned.

  4. Dead vegetative material should be removed within 50 feet of the structure.

  5. Clearance requirements for fire hydrants and propane tanks are established -- four inches for ten feet around tanks and four inches for three feet on each side of the hydrant to the roadway.

  6. Fuels Disposal. Open burning is prohibited. Accepted methods are chipping, burying or removal to a landfill.


The ordinance grants enforcement authority to the County Fire Marshal or designees. Conditions for fire protection are to be maintained by property owners or the homeowner's association as required in the state fire code and the protective covenants made with Utah County at the time of development approval.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Kelly Allen via email.

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