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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: New Jersey NFP Success Stories - Education Projects
Type: Education
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: State
State: New Jersey
Program Description: During 2001 and 2002, the following National Fire Plan public educational projects were initiated between the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, and the United States Forest Service, National Park Service and United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

Firewise in the Jersey Pines (Pine Barrens Region)

This project developed a Firewise informational and education program targeting 53 municipalities within and adjacent to the Pinelands National Reserve. Educational displays, brochures, and a NJ Pine Barrens Firewise video were produced. Smokey Fire Danger/Awareness signs were purchased and installed and fifty people were trained to become Firewise educators to supplement the efforts of the NJ Forest Fire Personnel. Grant amount: $100,000. Total project cost: $200,000.

Prescribed Burn Demonstration Area and Firewise Trail

NJ Forest Fire Service in cooperation with the Forest Service is developing a system of four Prescribed Burning Demonstration Plots linked by a Firewise Trail, at the NJ Forest Resource Education Center in Jackson Township. The demonstration project will educate the public on the use of fire as a forest management practice to protect life, property and natural resources form wildfire. The Firewise Trail will stress pine barrens fire ecology, fire history, and firewise principles for home construction, maintenance and landscaping. The trail will also point out how other forest management practices such as thinning to reduce wildland fire risk and losses can be beneficial. The trail and demonstration plots will have ten educational exhibit stations that stress key points. Grant amount: $40,000. Total project cost: $80,000.

Wildfire in Marshlands Public Education Project

This project will allow the NJ Forest Fire Service in cooperation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to produce 100,000 copies of a full color brochure targeting the protection of improved property adjacent to wetland and salt marsh environments where there is a great potential for wildfire. The brochure will address firewise issues, educating residents of 13 at-risk communities surrounding the Pinelands National Reserve, about the marsh wildland fire threat and the need for defensible space, and other safety precautions. A discussion of the marshland ecosystem and the danger posed by the highly flammable phragmites reed will be included in the brochure. The importance of prescribed burning as a tool for reducing the build-up of wildland fuels, and creating defensible space will be addressed. The brochure will be distributed during firewise educational programs and made available for distribution at public buildings adjacent to the wildlife refuges. Grant amount: $10,000.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Maris Gabliks of New Jersey Forest Fire Service via email, or call 609-292-2977.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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