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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Colorado State Forest Service - NFP Success Stories, Wildfire Education - 2001-2002
Type: Education
Demonstration projects
Jurisdiction: State
State: Colorado
Program Description: Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) focused its efforts using National Fire Plan grants in fiscal years 2001 and 2002 on Mitigation Projects and Risk Assessment and Planning. A sampling of success stories in public education programs from fiscal years 2001 and 2002 projects are described below.

Burning Issues CD-roms for High Schools

CSFS reproduced 7500 "Burning Issues" CD-roms, a high school fire ecology curriculum developed by Florida State University. A lab pack of 12 was sent to the lead science teacher at all 317 Colorado High Schools for use in their senior classes. Award amount: $17,000. Total project cost: $15,560. + $55,000 FSU match.

Defensible Space Displays

CSFS is creating interactive displays and dioramas to teach audiences about defensible space. The prototypes have been completed, and reproductions are ongoing. The displays and dioramas will be housed at CSFS district offices throughout the state for use at events in interface communities. Project cost: $40,000. Total project cost: $40,000+.

Colorado State Fair Exhibit

The CSFS exhibit built for the 2001 Colorado State Fair measured 125'x 95'. Approximately 1/3 of that space was dedicated to fire, its effects on the ecosystem, how we are working towards restoring the forest to pre-fire suppression conditions, and how prescribed fire is used to manage forests. The Fair ran for 17 days, and approximately 70,000 people viewed the exhibit. A self-paced activity booklet, which took 30 minutes to finish was created for children. Over 3,000 booklets were completed and turned in for a prize. Award amount: $41,800. Total project cost: $83,144.

Colorado FireWise Program

Colorado's FireWise Program, developed and piloted in Larimer County, has held more than 40 workshops. More than 300 paricipants � including fire department personnel, land managers, county commissioners, planners, developers, insurance industry representatives and landowners � have been trained in FireWise concepts. Fourteen hundred FireWise notebooks have been assembled and disseminated. These "homeowner kits" provide private landowners with instruction on creating defensible space, preparation and evacuation procedures in the event of a wildfire, information on firewise construction materials, and a video that explains the importance of being prepared. Award Amount: $30,000. Total project cost: pending completion.

Jefferson and Douglas County Fire Forums

Fire forums were presented in Jefferson and Douglas Counties, high hazard wildland/urban interface areas. The two workshops attracted 126 participants including sheriffs, county commissioners, planners, fire department personnel, and landowners. These forums provided information about fire reduction techniques and distributed specially designed localized printed materials. Award amount: $9,100. Total project cost: pending completion.

Contact Information

For more information on Colorado's public education programs contact Judy Serby via email, or call 970-491-7559.
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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